1st Investigatory Report on Company T, Rainbow Regiment, Malakas Division - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore 1st Investigatory Report on Company T, Rainbow Regiment, Malakas Division - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

1st Investigatory Report on Company T, Rainbow Regiment, Malakas Division


The Rainbow Regiment was a guerrilla organization that was based and operated basically in western Batangas under the command of the former Philippine Constabulary officer Mariano Cabarrubia. Company “T” was among its units or affiliates; and it was purportedly formed in the barrio of Inicbulan in the Municipality of Bauan. In this page is a transcription1 of the first investigatory report filed by Major Vincent Coates and Lt. George Kemper on Company “T,” in relation to the latter’s application for official recognition.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]

5 February 1947

Report on Company “T,” Rainbow Regiment, Malakas Division Bauan, Batangas

1. Major Vincent K Coates and 1st Lt George E Kemper proceeded to Bauan and Nasugbu, Batangas, on 25 January 1947, to investigate Company “T,” Rainbow Regiment.

2. ALLEGED HISTORY: (See attached unit file)


a. The following persons were interviewed and their statements are reflected in the findings:
Eugene Buhat
Fidel Sandoval
S P Buhat
Miguel Barairo
Mariano Cabarrubia
Capt M D de la Rosa
Capt Raphael Zagala
Lt Valentin Mayuga
Dominador Encarnado
Dr. Gregorio Noche
Capt Mariano A Tibay
Luis Licopa
Lazare Malabanan
Commanding Officer, Company "T."
Executive Officer, Company "T."
Municipal Treasurer of Bauan
of Sambat, Taal. Special Investigator for Batangas City
C O Rainbow Regiment, Malakas Div.
C O Canluran Combat Bn., Lemery
Exec. Off. ROTC Hunters Co. Lemery
CO Commander, Canluran Combat Bn.
C O 6th Inf Regt., McKinley Brig. FAITH of Lemery<
Resident of Taal
CO Gold Area Unit of Bauan
CO Licopa Unit
Exec. Off. Gagalac Unit

b. The record of service was not substantiated by sufficient acceptable evidence. The only evidence submitted by Mr Eugene Buhat in behalf of his request for recognition was a letter from Captain Erwin R Bennett, Commanding Officer, Company “K,” 158th RCT. This letter merely stated that Eugene Buhat had been with the company and that he was capable, reliable and a courageous person. No reference was made as to the type of work Mr Buhat did or that he had any men under his command.

c. The unit was not maintained satisfactorily in the field in opposition to the enemy. There is no evidence to verify the activities claimed in the unit history. Captain Mariano A. Tibay, C O Gold Area Unit of Bauan, did not know of the existence of this unit.

d. A definite organization was not established by this unit. The Commanding Officer of the Rainbow Regiment, Colonel Mariano Cabarrubia, stated that Company “T” was not a part of his command and said further that he did not know of the existence of such a company.

e. Performance of the unit did not indicate any control by its commanding officer as there is no evidence to reveal that the unit conducted any organized activities.

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f. The unit did not show satisfactory continuity of activity and organization because the commanding officer, as well as his subordinates, cannot show any supporting evidence of achievements claimed during the occupation period.

g. Mr S P Buhat, Municipal Treasurer of Bauan, said that he had heard that his cousin, Eugene Buhat, had applied for recognition but that he knew nothing of his organization. The Catholic Priest of Bauan did not know Eugene Buhat nor had he heard of his organization in spite of the fact that all the men on the Company “T” roster were listed as residents of Bauan.

h. It is the contention of the investigating team that Eugene Buhat did work in some capacity for Captain Bennett of Company “K,” 158th RCT, but there is no evidence to indicate the existence of the unit or the type of work Mr Buhat did for Captain Bennett.

i. No useful purpose will be accomplished by further investigation of this unit unless evidence is forthcoming which will prove the existence of the unit and that it was attached to Company “K” 158th RCT for duty. Mr Buhat and Mr Sandoval claim they can get attachment certificates from Captain Bennett and, if so, this unit should be accepted for reconsideration.

This unit does not appear to have any political affiliations or aspirations.
It is recommended that Company “T,” Rainbow Regiment, Malakas Division, be not favorably considered for recognition.
1st Lt CAC
Major, FA
Notes and references:
1 “Co ‘T’, Rainbow Regt, Malakas Div, Blue Eagle Brigade,” File No. 213-9, online at the United States National Archives.
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