Communications between US Army and CO Peralta on the Gold Area Unit - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Communications between US Army and CO Peralta on the Gold Area Unit - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Communications between US Army and CO Peralta on the Gold Area Unit


The Gold Area Unit was a guerrilla organization affiliated Free Luzon Intelligence Echelon of the 6th Military District on the island of Panay. This unit was ordered created in Bauan, Batangas by one Mariano A. Tibay, who would also be its commander. In this page are transcriptions1 of an exchange of communications between former 6th Military District Commander Gen. Macario Peralta, Jr. and the United States Army.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]

November 28, 1946
: Capt MARIANO A TIBAY, Request for Retroactive
Recognition of
: The Commanding General, AFWESPAC, APO 707

1. Subject officer was inducted as CAPTAIN, Infantry, in Manila on 16 September 1942 by Major Ildefonso Fernandez, alias “H. J. Hocson,” during the enemy occupation, and assigned as CO of the Suicide and Sabotage Unit.

2. On 1 February 1944, he was assigned as CO, Gold Area Unit, 6th MD, in the province of Batangas with Hq at Maricaban Island, by Major Ildefonso Fernandez, CO, 6th MD operating in Luzon. After the capture by the enemy of Major Hocson, Capt TIBAY’s assignment as CO of Gold Area, 6th MD, was confirmed by Lt. Col. Enrique L. Jurado, CO, Bolo Combat Team, 6th MD, Mindoro Island.

3. Upon liberation of the Philippines, subject officer and his Gold Area Unit was attached to the 11th Airborne Div, USA, in March 1945 up to 29 June 1945, when he was relieved therefrom. Reported for disposition to the 3rd Replacement Battalion (PA), Camp Murphy, on 29 June 1945. Reverted to inactive status 8 July 1946.

4. Subject officer was recognized as CAPTAIN, Inf, with a combat company, on 20 April 1945.

5. Subject officer rendered service continuously under the 6th MD from the date of his induction on 16 September 1942 up to March 1945, the time he was attached to the 11th Airborne Division, USA.

6. Capt TIBAY was not included in the recognition roster of PANAY GUERRILLAS, which was recognized 13 February 1943, due to the fact that this unit was stationed in Luzon. It was not the practice of our Luzon echelon to send to us their rosters as such.

7. Request that recognition of Capt. TIBAY dated 20 April 1945 be set back and made retroactive to 16 September 1942, the date of his induction, and that the members of his recognized unit, Gold Company, Gold Area, 6th MD, to their respective dates of induction.

/s/ Macario Peralta, Jr.
Brig. General, PA, (Ret.)
Formerly Commanding Officer, 6th Mil. Dist.

[p. 2]

Republic of the Philippines
Department of National Defense

18 November 1947
: Request for Setting Back of Recognition of
the Gold Company, Gold Area Unit, Free
Luzon Intelligence Echelon, 6th MD.
: The Commanding General
Philippines-Ryukyus Command
APO 707, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco

Attn: Chief, Guerrilla Affairs Div, G-3

1. Reference to my letter dated 28 November 1946, subject: Capt. Mariano A. Tibay, Request for Retroactive Recognition of, a copy of which is hereto attached. Reiterate request for setting back of date of recognition and retroactivity of the Gold Company, Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon Intelligence Echelon, 6th Military District.

2. The Gold Company, Gold Area Unit, 6th MD, under my overall command, was under the late Major Ildefonso Fernandez, alias “H. J. Hocson,” otherwise known as the HOCSON UNIT, Free Luzon Intelligence Echelon, 6th MD.

3. Subject guerrilla unit Gold Company, Gold Area Unit, 6th MD was recognized as of 20 April 1945 by the 11th Airborne Division, USA, with Capt. Mariano A. Tibay, Commanding Officer.

(Formerly Commanding Officer, 6th MD)
1 – Certification from Maj. William J. Schloth, undated
1 – Affidavit of Col. EleuterioL. Adevoso, dtd 23 Oct 47
1 – Affidavit of Lt. Col. Jaime N. Ferrer, dtd 21 Oct 47
1 – Affidavit of Lt. Col. Romulo L. Briones, dtd 11 Oct 47
1 – Copy of my letter dtd 28 November 1946

[p. 3]


GSCPU 091 PI / 2509 APO 707
17 DEC 1947

Mr. Macario Peralta, Jr.
Chairman, Philippine Veterans Board
Department of National Defense
Republic of the Philippines
Manila, Philippines

Dear Mr. Peralta:

This will acknowledge receipt of your letter, dated 18 November 1947, requesting revision of the recognition date of the Gold Company, Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon, 6th Military District, and forwarding additional evidence in support of the unit claim.

It is desired to inform you that Mr. Mariano Tibay was sent a letter, dated 21 July 1947, stating that a thorough and detailed examination of all supporting papers submitted by his unit and an exhaustive study of the history of his unit, together with a careful analysis of all other available information of the military activities of his unit from its inception, scrutinized in relation to the overall resistance movement, failed to justify sufficiently the establishment of a date of recognition other than that previously published.

A careful examination has been made of the additional evidence forwarded in your letter of 18 November 1947. It has, however, failed to reveal sufficient material to justify modification of the unfavorable decision of 21 July 1947.

We therefore regret to inform you that inasmuch as it is considered that this organization has received all the consideration that is warranted with regard to revision of dates, no further consideration being justified, the unfavorable decision of this headquarters, dated 21 July1947, must remain final.

The documents forwarded in your letter of 18 November 1947 will be included in the unit file for record purposes.



[p. 4]

Lt. Col. Wallace M. Hanes:

Basic, ltr from Macario Peralta, Jr. to CG PHILRYCOM, dtd 18 Nov 47, requesting revision of recgn date of the Gold Co, Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon, 6th MD, and forwarding additional evidence in support of the claim thereto.

1st Lt George E. Kemper

Concur: Capt E R Curtis, Chief, Unit Branch
Notes and references:
1 “Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon Intelligence Echelon, 6th MD,” online at the United States National Archives.
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