Disparaging Letters to AFWESPAC on the 6th Infantry, McKinley Division - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Disparaging Letters to AFWESPAC on the 6th Infantry, McKinley Division - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Disparaging Letters to AFWESPAC on the 6th Infantry, McKinley Division


The Fil-American Irregular Troops or FAIT was a large guerrilla organization founded by the retired United States Army Colonel Hugh Straughn and had many affiliate units in Southern Luzon, including Batangas. The 6th Infantry Regiment, McKinley Division, which operated in the town of Lemery, was one of these. In this page are transcriptions1 of disparaging communications, one anonymously written, to the United States Army Forces Western Pacific (AFWESPAC) about the 6th Infantry, McKinley Division.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]

Manila, Philippine Is.
Sept. 19, 1946

The Chief, Guerrilla Affairs Section

Dear Sir:

Being a non-member of any guerrilla organization but a firm believer in the principles of Democracy, I am inviting your attention to the much heralded recognition of the Fil-American unit in Lemery, Batangas under the fake Lt. Col. Dominador Encarnado with their unit commander Col. Basilio D. Sedano.

They deserve no recognition, as there was no such unit operating in Lemery, Batangas during the whole period of occupation and mostly of the men comprising the said unit were opposed to guerrilla movements during that time as they feared the Japanese more than God. The battalion vommsnfrt Fominsfot Rnvstnsfo esd noy [this unintelligible string of characters probably was probably mis-typed and intended to be “commander Dominador Encarnado was not”] in Lemery during the occupation period but in Calapan, Mindoro doing business. He did come over to Lemery about four months after liberation. Most of his officers were not in Lemery during the occupation but in their evacuation place, really they didn’t have any such unit in Lemery not unless after liberation just before the processing of the Blue Eagle Unit. They recruited men and mostly women from other towns and from Mindoro. They submitted their rosters for recognition as a gamble, lucky if recognized and nothing to lose if not, as they don’t deserve any recognition whatsoever. You can prove this by inquiring from among leading citizens of Lemery and from army officers who hail from that town such as Col. Amado Ilagan, former M.P. zone commander of Mindanao; Major Gregorio Bunio of the HPA; Capt. Jose Catibog of the General Advocate Service; and Capt. Ireneo Cabrera of the RPD, AFWESPAC. At their first submission [of] their rosters, these were rejected and now they claim that only one battalion is recognized, so they are screening the roster only to pick up men to make up a roster and you will find out so many names of Encarnado as they are brothers and relatives of the battalion commander Dominador Encarnado. I think they are all officers. Besides that, they claim to the membership of their appointed Cpl. Demetrio Villanueva who was killed by the Japanese in revenge for the killing of two Japs by the Corporal Demetrio Villanueva is that he was insane and this can show that they are including in their rosters even [the] feeble-minded only to cheat you. You better investigate first and this will be the greatest mistake every committed by the recognition team of the AFWESPAC if this unit is recognized.

Hoping you better investigate this matter and let the unit commander and the battalion commander answer for this anomaly.

Respectfully yours,
Jose Desiderio Luna

[p. 2]

Manila, Phil. Is.
13 Oct. 1946



Dear General,

We want to relay to your office the anomalies being committed by the officers of the Straughn Fil-American McKinley Division in Lemery, Batangas.

The said unit is under the command of fake Lt. Col. Dominador R. Encarnado, who has nothing to do with any guerrilla movements, because it is a 1945 guerrilla [group] formed only five months after liberation after the arrival of the said commander from Calapan, Mindoro, where he stayed the whole occupation and doing his business with nothing referenced to guerrilla activities. The said unit officers have solicited contributions twice and nowadays, they are collecting for the third time due to their issue that they are recognized and those who cannot afford to contribute are stricken out of the roster. They say that they are allowed by the recognition team to make a roster with only four hundred men. There was no such organization in existence during the Japanese times in Lemery, Batangas and they don’t deserve any reward whatsoever, so they don’t deserve it. You can have this proven by inquiring from citizens of Lemery whether or not there was such [an] organization in existence. With regard to their attachment to any U.S. Army units, they can’t show any as there was no such unit and they say [that] they bribed the recognition team of the AFWESPAC with ₱15,000 and they are sure of recognition and that is the reason why they are collecting contributions from members even if they may be indebted just to satisfy their selfish aims in extorting money from members.

Notes and references:
1 “6th Infantry Regt, McKinley Division, FAIT,” File No. 275-13, online at the United States National Archives.
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