Statement of Sadakatsu Kato Related to Japanese Activities in Batangas in World War II - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Statement of Sadakatsu Kato Related to Japanese Activities in Batangas in World War II - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Statement of Sadakatsu Kato Related to Japanese Activities in Batangas in World War II


This page contains the testimony from one accused, Warrant Officer Sadakatsu Kato, submitted as evidence in U.S.A. v Shumpei Hagino, et al., one of the war crimes trials conducted after the conclusion of World War II in the Pacific in 1945. This document was the record of a deposition conducted most likely at a Japanese prisoners-of-war where he was being held captive after the conclusion of hostilities. The pages contained herein are now declassified and were part of compiled documentation1 of war crimes trials conducted by the United States Military Commission after the conclusion of World War II. This transcription has been corrected for grammar where necessary by Batangas History, Culture and Folklore. The pagination is as it was contained in the original document for citation purposes.

Manila War Crimes Trial US Army
Photo taken during the war crimes trials in Manila.  Image credit:  U.S. National Archives.

[p. 1]


Name: Kato, Sadakatsu W/O
Home Address: Akita Ken, Kawabe Gun, Tanehira Mura, Tanesawa Aza, Sanoodo, 93 Banchi.
Age: 30 years old. Single.

Q What is your name and rank?
A Kato, Sadakatsu, Warrant Officer, Japanese Army.

Q What was your organization?
A 17th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 6th Company.

Q How many men did you have in your platoon?
A Approximately 19 or 20 men.

Q What were their names?

1. Endo, Kenjiro Cpl.
2. Sato, Naoshi L/Pvt.
3. Okawa, Kenichiro S/Pvt.
4. Fujita, Sukekichi S/Pvt.
5. Ichio, Teruki Pfc.
6. Fujita, Isao S/Pvt.
7. Seki, Kiyoji S/Pvt.
8. Ito, Tozaburo S/Pvt.
9. Saito, Katsuji Pfc.
10. Meguro, Kuramatsu Pfc.
11. Sato, Tetsuji Pfc.
12. Ota, Cenro Cpl.
13. Sato, Tsutomu S/Pvt.
These are the only names I am able to remember.

Q Where were you stationed?
A The 6th Company was stationed near Batangas, apart from the 2nd Bn. Headquarters from September 1944 until the latter part of February 1945. In the latter part of February 1945, we moved to Makorodo [Macolod or Makulot] Mountain.

Q Do you know of an order issued by Col. Fujishige ordering the killing of anyone opposing the Japanese Army?
A Yes, I heard of it but never saw the order.

Q Did you know of any cases where this order was carried out?
A Yes. I went on two mopping up expeditions of the 2nd Battalions. One to Taal and the other to Bauan.

Q On what date did you go to Taal?
A The latter part of February.

Q How many men did you bring with you?
A I brought two squads, about 8 men, from the 6th Co. that went along. I believe the total from the 6th Co. was approximately 25 men.

Q What officers from the 6th Co. went on this expedition?
A 1st Lt. Takahashi, Shigeru was the only officer from the 6th Co.

[p. 2]

Q What other officers went on this expedition?
A Lt. Takemoto and Lt. Hagino are the only ones that I remember; Lt. Takemoto was in charge and I remember seeing Lt. Hagino around the billeting area.

Q Who were the men from your 3rd Platoon that went on this expedition with you?

1. Okawa, Kenichiro S/Pvt.
2. Ichino, Teruki Pfc.
3. Fujita, Isao S/Pvt.
4. Seki, Kiyoji S/Pvt.
5. Sato, Tetsuji Pfc.
6. Ota, Genro Cpl.
7. Sato, Tsutomu S/Pvt.

Q Do you remember seeing anyone else on this expedition?
A I remember seeing Kimura Keiichi M/Sgt., Mogami, Zenichiro M/Sgt., and Suzuki Masaichi M/Sgt. These are the only ones I remember.

Q How long did this expedition last?
A For three days.

Q What did you and your men do on this expedition?
A We acted as the security guard. The first day, we were on the left flank. The second and third days, we guarded the billeting area.

Q How were you and your men armed?
A My men had rifles and I had a sword.

Q Did you and your men fire any shots during this expedition?
A No.

Q Did you or your men harm Filipinos in any way?
A No.

Q Did you see any Filipinos killed?
A No.

Q Did you hear that Filipinos were killed during this expedition?
A Yes. I heard some Filipinos were killed when they attacked some Japanese soldiers with a bolo knife.

Q You stated that you went on an expedition to Bauan?
A Yes.

Q When did you go on this expedition?
A After Taal, I believe in March.

Q What men did you bring with you?
A I believe the same men from my platoon that were in Taal.

Q Do you remember anyone else who was present?
A Yes. Suzuki Masaichi M/Sgt.

Q What were the duties of you and your men on this expedition?
A We were told to wait by Lt. Takahashi in [the] back of the court-

[p. 3]

house for orders, as American planes were overhead, we all hid in the bushes. We stayed in the bushes till 11:30 a.m., when the cinders from the burning house forced us to leave. We went to a point outside of the town and stayed about half an hour to an hour before returning to Dita.

Q While you were in [the] back of the courthouse, did you see any Filipinos?
A No.

Q Did you or your men harm any of the Filipinos?
A No.

Q Do you know what happened at Bauan?
A No.

Q Did you hear what happened at Bauan?
A No. As soon as we returned, we went out to dig fortifications and did not hear from the other soldiers what happened.

Q Did you or your men go on any other expeditions or have you heard anything about other expeditions?
A No.

Q What do you know of the mopping up in Cuenca?
A I know nothing of it.

Q The men of your platoon that you state were with you at Taal and Bauan, where are they now?
A As far as I know, they are either dead or missing in action.

The foregoing statement has been interpreted and read to me by Sgt. Harold T. Oie, and I have initialed each of the 3 pages, including all corrections, and signed this, the last page, as evidence that I fully understand the same, that I made such a statement voluntarily, without hope of reward or fear of force or punishment, and with the full realization that it may be used against me in Court.

I solemnly affirm that the information contained herein is true.

(Also in Japanese)


/s/ George D. Murphy, Jr., 2nd Lt.,CMP
/s/ Sgt. Harold T. Oie
2nd Lt., INF (PA)
Notes & References:
1 “Statement of Sadakatsu Kato, part of the documentation in U.S.A. v Shumpei Hagino, et al.,” part of the U.S. Military Commission compilation of war crimes documentation, online at the Internet Archive.
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