Customary Laws in Calaca, Batangas by Marcela Endaya, 1931 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Customary Laws in Calaca, Batangas by Marcela Endaya, 1931 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Customary Laws in Calaca, Batangas by Marcela Endaya, 1931

This page contains the complete transcription of the 1931 ethnographic paper written by one Marcela Endaya from .jpeg scans of the originals made available by the National Library of the Philippines Digital Collections. Corrections for grammar had been made in certain parts but no attempt was made to rewrite the original paper. Original pagination is indicated for citation purposes.

Henry Otley-Beyer Collection

[Cover page.]

Tagalog Paper No. 719.


Marcela Endaya.

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  1. TAGALOG: Calaca, Batangas Province.
  2. Customary laws: Marriage, Dress, etc.

September 3, 1931

[p. 1]


Marcela Endaya.

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The following are some customary laws still followed in our community:

1. A man or a woman is not supposed to marry a near relative especially a first cousin.

2. An engaged lady is supposed to be reserved and inattentive to other young men. It is also expected that she should be engaged but once.

3. Widows or widowers ought not to marry immediately after the death of their husbands or wives. The length of time expected of them to remain single is one year after which time they may marry or not.

4. After a wedding feast, the bride is supposed to stay at the groom’s house for three or more days after which time she may go home to her parents.

5. Two members of a family like a brother and a sister may not marry within the same year.

6. When a girl is married, she should confine herself to the home. She should not take active part in society.

7. Carrying a cane or wearing a mustache are the privileges of the educated and the wealthy only.

8. Colored stockings could not be used when wearing black dresses or black ones when wearing white shoes.

[p. 2]

9. One is supposed to wear black in case of the death of a relative as a sign of sorrow or sympathy with the bereaved family.

10. Girls below thirteen are not yet expected to wear top knots especially in going to parties. They should wear the queue.

11. When a feast is to be held in a house, its neighbors are supposed to help in the preparation of the food and in the arrangement of the house. They are also expected to give something like chicken, eggs and other things that can be used during the feast.

12. Another beautiful custom which shows Filipino hospitality is the practice of giving to the occasional visitor, foreigner or not, the best that the home has: the fattest chicken for dinner, the cleanest blanket, the softest mat, the cleanest glass - everything that is best.

September 3, 1931.

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Notes and references:
Transcribed from “Customary Laws in Calaca, Batangas,” by Marcela Endaya, 1931, online at the Henry Otley-Beyer Collection of the National Library of the Philippines Digital Collections.
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