Picture Compilation of Evidences of Japanese Atrocities in Santo Tomas, Batangas in 1945 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Picture Compilation of Evidences of Japanese Atrocities in Santo Tomas, Batangas in 1945 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Picture Compilation of Evidences of Japanese Atrocities in Santo Tomas, Batangas in 1945

This post contains a compilation of photographs taken in 1945 of survivors of Japanese atrocities committed earlier that same year in the town of Santo Tomas, Batangas. The pictures have been downloaded from the United States National Archives web site, run through graphic software to improve clarity and then colorized.

According to United States Army records, Santo Tomas was “seized” from Japanese control late in March of 1945. The pictures in this collection, however, all point at Japanese atrocities committed on the 11th February that same year.

victim of Japanese atrocity in Batangas
A man shows bayonet wound on his back. Image source:  United States National Archives.
This rash of violence against civilians were acts of desperation by the Japanese that came with the knowledge that United States Armed Forces had already landed on the beaches of Nasugbu on 31 January 1945. The photographs were most probably taken for use as evidence as the United States Army built up war crimes cases against the Japanese.
victim of Japanese atrocity in Batangas
Photo of woman with 7 bayonet wounds, Santo Tomas, Batangas 1945.  Image source:  United States National Archives.
Original caption: Marcelina Endaya of Santo Tomas, P.I., shows rear portion of her body on which the Japs inflicted seven bayonet wounds on 11 February 1945. Date taken: 30 September 1945.
victim of Japanese atrocity in Batangas
Back of woman with 12 bayonet wounds, Santo Tomas 1945.  Image source:  United States National Archives.
Original caption: Felicidad Austria, Captain Juan Manalo Street, Santo Tomas, Batangas, P.I., shows her back on which she received twelve bayonet wounds from Japs on 11 February 1945. Taken 26 September 1945.
victim of Japanese atrocity in Batangas
A native of Santo Tomas by the grave of his brother who was killed by the Japanese in 1945.  Image source:  United States National Archives.
Original caption: Leoncio Tolentino stands by the grave of his brother in the cemetery at Santo Tomas, Batangas, P.I. Leoncio escaped the Jap mass killing on 11 February 1945, of which his brother was a victim. Taken 26 September 1945.
Japanese atrocity in Batangas
Survivors of a Jap massacre at Santo Tomas, 1945, at the massacre site.  Image source:  United States National Archives.
Original caption: Survivors of Jap atrocities Felicidad Austria, left, and Gliceria Malvecino indicate the place where the remains of approximately 50 to 70 unidentified bodies of old men, women and children were found – victims of a Jap mass killing on 11 February 1945, at Santo Tomas, Batangas, P.I. Taken 26 September 1945.
Japanese atrocity in Batangas
Woman showing bayonet wounds on her leg, Santo Tomas 1945.  Image source:  United States National Archives.
Original caption: Gliceria Meer Malvecino of Santo Tomas, Batangas P.I. with bayonet wounds on left leg, inflicted by the Japs on 11 February 1945. Taken 9 September 1945.
Japanese atrocity in Batangas
Site of a mass grave for victims of Japanese atrocities, Santo Tomas 1945.  Image source:  United States National Archives.
Original Caption: In this spot near a bamboo grove, close to the Cumba house, the remains of twenty-six victims of Jap atrocities are buried. Santo Tomas, Batangas, P.I. Taken 26 September 1945.
Japanese atrocity in Batangas
Survivor points at tree to which he was tied by the Japanese in Santo Tomas, 1945.  Image source:  United States National Archives.
Original caption: Leoncio Tolentino, a survivor of Jap atrocities, points to the mango tree in front of Felix Bathan’s house to which the Japs tied him. Santo Tomas, Batangas P.I. Taken 26 September 1945.
Japanese atrocity in Batangas
Man with bayonet wounds on his back, Santo Tomas 1945.  Image source:  United States National Archives.
Original caption: Apolinario Tolentino of Santo Tomas, Batangas P.I. shows bayonet scars on his back inflicted by Japs on 11 February 1945. Taken 26 September 1945.
site of Japanese atrocity in Santo Tomas Batangas
The deserted house of victims of Japanese atrocities, Santo Tomas 1945.  Image source:  United States National Archives.
Original caption: Front view of the house of Anselma Malacaman, on Captain Juan Manalo Street, Santo Tomas, Batangas, P.I. All occupants of this house, mostly old men and women, were killed by Japs on 11 February 1945. Taken 26 September 1945.
site of Japanese atrocity in Santo Tomas Batangas
Survivor of Japanese atrocities shows pit to which he was thrown, Santo Tomas 1945.  Image source:  United States National Archives.
Notes and references:
1 – All photographs downloaded from the United States National Archives.
2 – The photographs were colorized courtesy of Algorithmia.
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