Non-Favorable Decision on Revision of Recognition Dates for San Jose Guerrillas - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Non-Favorable Decision on Revision of Recognition Dates for San Jose Guerrillas - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Non-Favorable Decision on Revision of Recognition Dates for San Jose Guerrillas

The San Jose Guerrilla Unit was an underground organization that opposed the Japanese in the Province of Batangas in World War II. It was commanded by one Pedro Kalalo and was officially recognized with 60 men as an element of the Philippine Army in the service of the United States Armed Forces during the liberation of the country. In this document1, Captain R. E. Cantrell of the Adjutant General’s Office of the Philippines-Ryukyus Command informed Kalalo on the non-favorable decision on the latter’s request for a revision of the recognition dates for his guerrilla unit. Kalalo’s letter of request is included in page 2 of this document.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]


GSCPU 091 PI / 25 APO 707
10 JAN 1948

Captain Pedro B. Kalalo
Office of the Depot Commander
Headquarters, 9th Military District
Tacloban, Leyte

Dear Captain Kalalo:

This will acknowledge receipt of your 1st Indorsement, dated 8 December 1947, reiterating your request for reconsideration of the unfavorable decision rendered by this headquarters on 28 June 1947 with regard to the revision of dates of the San Jose Guerrilla Unit, and forwarding two notebooks as additional evidence in further support of the claim of this unit.

You were informed in our letter of 24 October 1947 that during the investigation of this unit for possible revision of its recognition dates, an extensive and detailed examination was made of all available documentary evidence and of testimony of persons having personal knowledge of the unit’s record of service. As a result of the protracted study of the activities of this unit, it was conclusively determined that prior to its presently published recognition date, this unit failed to fulfill the requirements of our constant guerrilla recognition criterion used in the consideration of all claimant guerrilla units. You were further informed that it is considered that full and just acknowledgement of the military service rendered by the San Jose Guerrilla Unit has been accorded in its existing official recognition period.

Examination of the additional evidence forwarded by your 1st Indorsement of 8 December 1947 has failed to reveal any material which would justify further consideration of this unit. However, it will be placed in the unit file for record purposes.

Capt. AGD
Asst Adj Gen

Lt Col Wallace M Hanes:

Basic, 1st Ind from P B Kalalo, CO San Jose Guerrilla Unit, to CG, PHILRYCOM, dated 8 Dec 47, again requesting consideration of the unfavorable decision rendered by this headquarters on the revision of dates of this unit, forwarding two notebooks as additional evidence in further support of the unit claim.

1st Lt George E Kemper

Concur: Capt E R Curtis, Chief, Unit Branch

[p. 2]

1st Indorsement


Respectfully returned to the COMMANDING GENERAL PHILRYCOM APO 707 Manila, reiterating my request for further investigation of my guerrilla unit for the following reasons:

That my house and the houses of my parents, sisters and relatives were burned by the Japanese on 17 Sept ’43 on account of my guerrilla activities for I did not surrender to the Japanese Kempei Tai. Enclosed herewith [are] two notebooks as a guide of that office relative to my request.

Please acknowledge receipt by indorsement hereon.

Captain, QMS
Depot Commander
Notes and references:
1 “San Jose Guerrilla Unit,” File No. 300, online at the United States National Archives.
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