Diagrams and Maps of the Rillo-Neri Unit's Activities during the Liberation of Batangas - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Diagrams and Maps of the Rillo-Neri Unit's Activities during the Liberation of Batangas - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Diagrams and Maps of the Rillo-Neri Unit's Activities during the Liberation of Batangas


The Rillo-Neri Unit was a guerrilla organization that was allegedly formed in the town of Balayan, and again allegedly by the authority coming from Col. Hugh Straughn, founder of the Fil-American Irregular Troops. It was supposed to have conducted intelligence work, kept peace and order and helped in the evacuation of the citizens of Balayan, Lemery and Tuy. Its combat team was also said to have participated in combat during the liberation of Batangas. While this guerrilla group failed to obtain full recognition from the United States Army, 130 of its members were recognized as a combat team and another 400 gained recognition with another guerrilla outfit, the Blue Eagle Brigade. In this page1 are diagrams and maps with descriptions of the unit’s activities during the liberation of Batangas. These diagrams were attachments to the unit’s application for official recognition by the United States Army.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]

[Diagram “A”]

[p. 2]

(Rillo-Neri Unit)



Date and Time of Attack – 0800 6 March 1945
Capture of Garrison – 2300 6 March 1945
Disposition of Attacking Troops:

From the South – Company “A” 158th RCT under Capt Wright with Maj Horacio L. Ilagan as guide. Company “A” was the advancing party.

From the West – The rest of the 158th RCT under Col. Shoemaker together with guerrillas under Col. Cabarrubias.

From the North – Supporting and encircling companies of the Rillo-Neri Unit under Capt Arcalas and Company “B” Hunters ROTC under Maj. Sebial.

From the East – Company “C” 158th RCT with the Glint Guerrilla Unit under Capt Licopa and Capt Gagalac.

Statement of Attack – After artillery and mortar fire for nearly the whole day, the main body attacked and the garrison was occupied at 2300 6 March 45. Mopping up operation of the area completed 0700 7 March 45. The entire 158th RCT Regiment proceeded to liberate Calaca, Lemery and Taal, Batangas where night overtook the entire unit.

Japanese killed – 79
Japanese Prisoners – 1 caught by Company “A”

All the arms that were serviceable were distributed to the guerrilla units.
Capt – Inf (G)

Note: Only the Originals have the DIAGRAMS and MAPS.

[p. 3]

[Diagram “B”]

[p. 4]

(Rillo-Neri Unit)



1st Attack:

Date and Time of Attack – 1200 10 March 1945
Disposition of Troops –

Mt. San Pedrino – Company “B” Hunters ROTC under Maj Sebial Rillo-Neri Unit Combat Company under Maj Horacio L Ilagan.

Sinturisan – Company “C” Hunters ROTC under Maj Kasilao for encircling purposes.

Sampiro Proper – Main body of the attack – American company 158th RCT with artillery and mortar support together with a company of the

Talisay (Shore) – Advance Guard of Attack – the rest of the Rainbow Regiment under Col Cabarrubias together with one American platoon.

Statement of Combat – The advancing party under Col Cabarrubias forgot to protect their left flank. Thus, they were ambushed, resulting to several casualties and wounded. The attack was ordered to stop. The entire guerrilla forces and the Americans retreated to Sampiro Proper for the next day’s attack.

2nd Attack:

Date and Time of Attack – 0800 March 1945
Disposition of Troops –

Mt. San Pedrino – Rainbow Regiment under Col. M Cabarrubias

Sinturisan – Company “C” Hunters ROTC under Maj Kasilao

Sampiro Propert – Main body of attack – Company “B” Hunters ROTC under Maj Sebial and supported as Rear Guard and Reserve one American Company 158 RCT.

Talisay (Shore) – Advancing Party Rillo-Neri Unit Combat Company under Maj Horacio L Ilagan and one American platoon as flank guard on the left.

Statement of Attack – After some artillery and mortar fire for one hour, the advancing party under Maj Ilagan covered by machine gun fire advanced slowly but surely until 1230 when the Japanese main garrison was occupied. Mopping up operation continued until 1730 when the garrison was completely cleaned of the enemies.

Casualties on our side – Rainbow Regiment – 4 killed and 8 wounded. 158th RCT – 2 killed and 3 wounded. Hunters ROTC – 4 wounded. Rillo-Neri Unit – 1st Sgt Arcadio Avena wounded.

[p. 5]


Casualties on Enemy Side –
Killed in Mt. San Piro – 37
Sinturisan – 56
B – ATTACK OF MT. ITEM GARRISON, Calatagan, Batangas

Date and Time – 0800 12 March 45
Disposition of Troops –

Advancing Party of Attack – Company “B” Hunters ROTC under Maj. Sebial.

Main Body and Rear Guard – Rillo-Neri Combat Company under Maj. Horacio L. Ilagan.

The 158th RCT took the provincial road to Balayan and proceeded to Calatagan, Batangas via the main highway.

Statement of Combat – The Hunters ROTC and the Rillo-Neri Unit after mopping up the area in Mt. San Piro, proceeded across the mountains. The Japanese at Mt. Item did not know that Mt. San Piro had already been occupied. Thus, we were able to surprise the Japanese on Mt. Item. At exactly 1200 12 March 45, Mt Item was occupied and the area was completely mopped by 1500 of the same date.
Exactly at 1800, the guerrilla units met the 158th RCT at Calatagan, Batangas. As the Japanese were caught by surprise, the work for the next day was well accomplished without the aid of artillery and mortar fire.
The operations in DIAGRAM “B” (MAP) marked the liberation of the towns of Balayan and Calatagan, Batangas.
Capt – Inf (G)

Note – Only the Originals have the DIAGRAMS and MAPS.

[p. 6]

[Diagram “C”]

[p. 7]

(Rillo-Neri Unit)


from 1 April 1945 to 3 July 1945

On 28 March 45, the RILL-NERI UNIT COMBAT TEAM, while in its operation with the 187th Regiment under Maj Schommer at Mt. San Jose, Cuenca, received an order to report to Lt. A. P. McDonald, CAC, AA, Guerrilla Coordinator, Guerrilla Hq 11th A/B Division, at Alitagtag, Batangas.

Since the RILLO-NERI UNIT was in the WESTERN part of Batangas, its Combat Company, organized by order of Maj Jay Vanderpool on 19 February 1945, was thought to be resting by that time.

On 1 April 1945, with 58 EM and 2 officers, Maj. Horacio L Ilagan reported to Lt McDonald. They were told to prepare the Guerrilla Hq 11th A/B Division in Taal, Batangas.

The Unit was assigned the sector for mopping up operations covering up Taal (87.3-167.9) up to Talisay (88.6-70.5) to Bayuyungan (87.5-170) until Balakit (87.3-169.8).

On 10 April 1945, the recognition of the Unit was received from the 8th U.S. Army. The Unit was designated as the Lipa Guerrilla Hq Combat Team. Likewise, Maj Horacio L Ilagan was recognized as a Captain following the T/O & E of the United States Army. On the same date, Capt Ilagan was ordered to bring the strength to 90 EM and Officers.

Besides mopping up the assigned area, the Unit was made the Reconnaissance Patrol of the Guerrilla Hq 11th A/B Division for the Western Part of Batangas. Thus, the Unit was assigned to cover up the areas of Tuy, Balayan, Lemery and Taal, province of Batangas.

This unit was attached to the 188th Battalion under Maj Alexander in two major operations in this sector. See the BARAGON, Lemery and CACAWAN operations in the History of the Unit.

Capt – Inf (G)

Note – Only the Originals have the DIAGRAMS and MAPS.

Notes and references:
1 “Rillo-Neri (Lipa Guerrilla Headquarters Combat Team),” File No. 110-9, online at PVAO.
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