First US Army Letter of Non-Recognition of 1st Batangas Regiment, June 1946 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore First US Army Letter of Non-Recognition of 1st Batangas Regiment, June 1946 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

First US Army Letter of Non-Recognition of 1st Batangas Regiment, June 1946


The Fil-American Irregular Troops or FAIT was organized by the retired US Army officer Hugh Straughn after the surrender of American forces to the Japanese in 1942. The FAIT would become a large organization with various units operating in many parts of Luzon, including Batangas. The 1st Batangas Regiment was one of these, supposedly founded by one Major Gutierrez in 1943. Upon the major’s capture by the Japanese, command of the unit was assumed by one Maximo Bool of Pallocan in the then-town of Batangas. In this document1, Lt. Col. W. P. Moore of the Adjutant General’s Office of the US Forces in the Western Pacific wrote to Bool to inform the latter of the 1st Batangas Regiment’s non-recognition.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]


APO 707
12 JUN 1946

Mr. Maximo C. Bool
Pallocan, Batangas
Batangas, P.I.

Dear Mr. Bool:

The “1st Batangas Regiment, FAIT,” purporting to be a guerrilla organization under your nominal control, is not favorably considered for recognition as an element of the Philippine Army.

A set of general requirements for guerrilla recognition, established by General MacArthur during the liberation of the Philippines, has been used as a guide in considering the record of this unit. After careful investigation and full consideration of all substantiating records and testimony of witnesses having pertinent knowledge, recognition of this guerrilla unit is not deemed to be warranted because of the reasons mentioned below:

a. The unit was not maintained satisfactorily in the field in opposition to the enemy.
b. Activities of the unit did not contribute materially to the eventual defeat of the enemy.
c. A definite organization was not established.
d. Adequate records were [not] maintained (names, ranks, dates of enlistment or joining, dates of promotions and necessary related information.)
e. Unit did not show satisfactory continuity of activities or organization.
f. Members of the unit did not devote their entire effort to military activities in the field to the exclusion of normal civilian occupation and family obligations.
g. Many members apparently lived at home, supporting their families by means of farming or other civilian pursuits, and assisted the guerrilla unit on a part time basis only.
h. Record of service was not substantiated by sufficient acceptable evidence.
It is requested that you comply with the provisions of Executive Order No. 68, by the President of the Philippines, dated 26 September 1945, copy attached.
Lt. Col., AGD
Ass’t Adj Gen

1 Incl: Executive Order #68

[p. 2]

Lt. Col. H. L. Shaftoe:

1. The 1st Batangas Regiment, FAIT, consisting of 934 members under the command of Lt. Col. (Grla Rank) Maximo C Bool has not been favorably considered for recognition. More than 50 of the members have previously been recognized with other units, such as the Blue Eagle Regiment and PQOG.

2. The overall CO, Bonifacio Araullo, FAIT, recommends the unit for recognition, but cannot produce acceptable evidence of any determined value.

3. Basis for non-recognition:

a. The unit has been turned down as a Battalion with 507 members, and then resubmitted a new request as a Regiment, adding 427 new members, who are home guards from the same barrio as other members.

b. The unit did not comprise an effective, cohesive military unit, nor did the unit have adequate control.

c. Members lived at home, supporting their families by means of farming or other civilian pursuits, and assisted the guerrilla unit on a part time basis only.


Notes and references:
1 “First Batangas Regt, FAIT,” File No. 110-60, online at the United States National Archives.
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