US Army Communications of Non-Recognition of the Rosario Unit, MFAT - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore US Army Communications of Non-Recognition of the Rosario Unit, MFAT - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

US Army Communications of Non-Recognition of the Rosario Unit, MFAT


The Marking’s Fil-American Troops (MFAT) was an amalgamation of Marcos Agustin’s Marking’s Guerrillas and the Fil-American Irregular Troops (FAIT), the latter having fallen into disarray after the capture of its founder and commander Col. Hugh Straughn. The FAIT had many units operating in southern Luzon, including Batangas. Among these was a unit operating in Rosario. In this page1 are two communications from the United States Army addressed to a Mr. Diego An informing the latter of the non-recognition of the Rosario Unit.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]


GSCPU 091 PI / 578 APO 707
31 MAR 1947

Mr. Diego An
Bureau of Public Works
Pasig, Rizal

Dear Mr. An:

The Commanding General has directed that you be informed that the Rosario Unit, purporting to be a guerrilla organization under your nominal control, has not been favorably considered for recognition.

It is felt that the recognition extended to personnel of David’s Command, Fil-American Irregular Troops, a composite unit from the overall command, constitutes just and adequate acknowledgement of military service.

This decision does not preclude individual request for casualty recognition by injured personnel or their heirs. Upon request from interested individuals, appropriate casualty forms will be forwarded.


Colonel Gerald F Lillard:

Basic, ltr fr Diego An to CG, PHILRYCOM, requesting recgn of the Rosario Unit. Strength 558.

[Sgd.] 2nd Lt Bruce Bromley Jr

Concur: [Sgd.] Capt S C Buchanan Chief, Southern Luzon Investigation

Concur: Maj C H Wentzell, Actg Chief, Unit Branch

[p. 2]


APO 707

Rosario, Batangas

Dear Mr. An,

The Rosario Unit, purporting to be a guerrilla organization under your nominal control, is not favorably considered for recognition as an element of the Philippine Army.

A set of general requirements for guerrilla recognition, established by General MacArthur during the liberation of the Philippines, was been used as a guide in considering the record of this unit. After careful investigation and full consideration of all available substantiating records and testimony of witnesses having pertinent knowledge, recognition of this guerrilla unit is not deemed to be warranted because of the reason mentioned below:

a. The unit was not maintained satisfactorily in the field in opposition to the enemy.

b. Activities of the unit did not contribute materially to the eventual defeat of the enemy. [This line was struck out in the original document.]

c. A definite organization was not established.

d. Adequate records were not maintained (names, ranks, dates of enlistment or joining, dates of promotions, and necessary related information.)

e. Rank of members was considered to be too high for the actual size of the command maintained in the field. [This line was struck out in the original document.]

f. The number of officers, commissioned and non-commissioned, was excessive and not reasonably proportionate to United States Army or to prewar Philippine Army tables of organization. [This line was struck out in the original document.]

g. Performance of the units did not indicate adequate control by its leaders, because of:

(1) Desertion of personnel to join other units.

(2) Lawless acts committed against the civil population. [This line was struck out in the original document.]

(3) Unwarranted attacks on other guerrilla units. [This line was struck out in the original document.]

h. Sphere of operations and unit strength claimed by the unit were not commensurate with the nature of the terrain, limitation of communication facilities, [The following text was struck out in the original document.] and the degree of anti-resistance activities of the Japanese in the area during the period concerned.

[p. 2]

i. Unit did not show satisfactory continuity of activity and organization.

j. Frequent change of geographic location was not justified. [Struck out in the original document.]

k. Members of the unit did not devote their entire effort to military activities in the field to the exclusion of normal civilian occupation and family obligations.

l. Many members apparently lived at home, supporting their families by means of farming or other civilian pursuits, and assisted the guerrilla unit on a part time basis only.

m. Some personnel listed as members of the unit assisted it by contributing money and supplies and did not serve in a capacity considered to justify such membership.

n. Record of service was not substantiated by sufficient acceptable evidence.

o. Application for recognition was received subsequent to 15 March 1946, the date announced as the deadline after which such applications would not be accepted. [Struck out in the original document.]

It is requested that you comply with the provisions of Executive Order No. 68, by the President of the Philippines, dated 26 September 1945, copy attached.

Sincerely yours,
Colonel AGD
Asst Adj Gen


Executive Order No. 68
Notes and references:
1 “Rosario Unit, III AC (David’s Command),” File No. 209-48, online at the United States National Archives.
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