US Army Letter Granting 1st Batangas Regiment's Request for Reconsideration, March 1947 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore US Army Letter Granting 1st Batangas Regiment's Request for Reconsideration, March 1947 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

US Army Letter Granting 1st Batangas Regiment's Request for Reconsideration, March 1947


The Fil-American Irregular Troops or FAIT was organized by the retired US Army officer Hugh Straughn after the surrender of American forces to the Japanese in 1942. The FAIT would become a large organization with various units operating in many parts of Luzon, including Batangas. The 1st Batangas Regiment was one of these, supposedly founded by one Major Gutierrez in 1943. Upon the major’s capture by the Japanese, command of the unit was assumed by one Maximo Bool of Pallocan in the then-town of Batangas. In this document1, Captain R. E. Cantrell of the United States Army wrote to Mr. Florentino de la Peña of the 1st Batangas Regiment to inform the latter that the request for reconsideration of the failed application for recognition was being granted.

Guerrilla Files


GSCPU 091 PI / 397 APO 707
12 MAR 1947

Mr. Florentino R. de la Peña
Pallocan, Batangas, Batangas

Dear Mr. De la Peña:

This will acknowledge receipt of our letter, dated 27 January 1947, in which you request reconsideration of the unfavorable decision rendered by this headquarters on 12 June 1946 with regard to the recognition of the 1st Batangas Regiment, Batangas Unit, Fil-American Irregular Troops.

It is the desire of this headquarters to avoid all appearance of arbitrary decisions in the case of claimant guerrilla units. Your request for reconsideration is, therefore, granted. It must be emphasized, however, that it would be extremely helpful if you were to forward as quickly as possible such additional pertinent documentary evidence as has not been submitted previously and which, you feel, reflects favorably upon your claim. These additional data should be original documents, or photostatic copies of the original documents, or true copies of the original documents, certified by United States Army officers of field grade on duty with the Guerrilla Affairs Division, G-3 section of this headquarters.

Your request for reconsideration will be placed on file in this headquarters to await appropriate action at the earliest practicable time. You must appreciate that hundreds of claimant guerrilla units are now being investigated initially and that review of rejected units must necessarily follow them.


Col Gerald F Lillard:

Basic, ltr fr Florentino de la Peña to CG, PHILRYCOM dtd 27 Jan 47, subj: “Request Reinvestigation of Status of 1st Batangs Regt, Batangas Unit, Fil-American Irregular Troops.

1st Lt George E Kemper

Concur: Maj C H Wentzell, Actg Chief, Unit Branch
Notes and references:
1 “First Batangas Regt, FAIT,” File No. 110-60, online at the United States National Archives.
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