Memo on Recognition of Guerrilla Casualties, Anderson's Guerrillas, Batangas Mil Area - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Memo on Recognition of Guerrilla Casualties, Anderson's Guerrillas, Batangas Mil Area - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Memo on Recognition of Guerrilla Casualties, Anderson's Guerrillas, Batangas Mil Area


The Joe Perez’s Forces of the Batangas Military Army, which claimed to have been affiliated with the guerrilla organization of Bernard Anderson, was formed by one Conrado T. Limjoco, who was also the supposed commander of the half of this guerrilla organization that operated in Batangas from Calaca to Nasugbu. The organization, which operated out of the town of Lian, would fail to gain official recognition by the United States Army, but as was the case in many other guerrilla outfits, some of its individual members did obtain recognition, if with other groups. In this page is a transcription1 of a memorandum sent by Captain R. E. Cantrell of the US Army’s Adjutant General’s Office to the Chief of Staff of the Philippine Army.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]


GSCPU 091 PI / 1532 APO 707
22 JUL 1947
: Recognition of Guerrilla Casualties
: Chief of Staff
Army of the Philippines
Camp Murphy, Quezon City

1. The inclosed casualty roster, Killed in Line of Duty, Died in Line of Duty, of the Batangas Military Area, Anderson’s Guerrllas, has been investigated.

2. This roster, consisting of nine (9) pages and containing the names of forty-three (43) individuals, is approved. The period of recognition for each individual will extend from the date of induction or the date the unit was recognized, whichever is later, to the date the individual died, both dates inclusive. In cases where individuals enter a casualty status prior to the recognition date of the unit, their period of recognition will be the date entered a casualty status only.

3. It is requested that the names and ranks of these individuals be inserted on the unit roster of the Batangas Military Area, Anderson’s Guerrillas, by the issuance of appropriate orders.

4. All data contained herein are furnished on the sworn statement of the recognized guerrilla leader. They are accepted as official data upon which payments of arrears in pay may be adjudicated unless official documents in conflict therewith are later provided this headquarters to prove otherwise.

5. Upon receipt from their legal heirs of a claim for arrears in pay and allowances due their estates, authority for settlement thereof under existing laws and procedures will be furnished your headquarters by the Director, Recovered Personnel Division, this headquarters.

6, This roster will constitute the only official recognized casualty roster, Killed in Line of Duty and Died in Line of Duty, of the Batangas Military Area, Anderson’s Guerrillas.



Casualty Roster
Killed in Line of Duty
Died in Line of Duty
Batangas Military Area,
Anderson’s Guerrillas

[p. 2]

Lt Col Wallace M. Hanes:

Ltr fr Hqs PHILRYCOM, to C/S (PA) subj: “Recognition of Guerrilla Casualties.”

1. Roster approved. Consisting of nine (9) pages and containing forty-three (43) names.

2. Claims to be authorized by RPD when legal heirs submit evidence.

3. All data contained herein are furnished on the sworn statement of the recognized guerrilla leader. They are accepted as official data upon which payments of arrears in pay may be adjudicated unless official documents in conflict therewith are later provided this headquarters to prove otherwise.

4. Roster prepared under the supervision of Lt Col B. L. Andersonand Lt J. H. Manzano, Unit Investigation Section, Capt E. C. Wilson and Lt H. V. Timog, Casualty Section is considered as the only official recognized casualty roster, Killed in Line of Duty, of the Batangas Military Area, Anderson’s Guerrillas.

Capt R. C. Wilson


1. Major R. V. Sloan – Chief, Intelligence Branch
2. Major C. H. Wentzell – Actg Chief, Unit Branch
3. This form ltr concurred in by AG (RFD) – Lt Col J. R. Gilbert
Notes and references:
1 “Joe Perez Forces, Anderson’s Guerrillas,” File No. 101-15, online at the United States National Archives.
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