A Second History of the Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon, 6th MD - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore A Second History of the Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon, 6th MD - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

A Second History of the Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon, 6th MD


The Gold Area Unit was a guerrilla organization affiliated Free Luzon Intelligence Echelon of the 6th Military District on the island of Panay. This unit was ordered created in Bauan, Batangas by one Mariano A. Tibay, who would also be its commander. In this page is a transcription1 of a second history of the Gold Area Unit included in the US Army file. It appears from the contents of this file that this was written earlier than the other, when the headquarters of the unit was still situated in the island of Maricaban, Municipality of Tingloy.

Guerrilla Files

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Gold Area is Batangas Province, Island of Luzon. Its present headquarters is in Maricaban Island.

The history of this military unit is linked with the history of the service of its organizer and commander, Capt. Mariano A. Tibay. In World War I, he was a Battalion Supply Sergeant in the Philippine Scouts, U.S. Army. Upon retiring from active duty, he was given temporary assignment as 1st Lieutenant in the Philippine National Guard. Up to the outbreak of the present war, he was [a] civilian employee at Nichols Field in the QMC of the Utilities Paper and Fiscal Accounting Service, giving him a total of 26 years of federal service both military and civilian.

Capt. Tibay was first the commanding officer of the Suicide and Sabotage Unit of Free Luzon, 6”MD, under Major Hocson form September 7, 1942. In January 1944, he contacted Major Phillips in Sablayan, Mindoro and submitted the roster for the Suicide Unit alone, for Capt. Henry was assigned the commanding officer of the sabotage group. On February 15, 1944, Capt. Tibay was appointed by Major Hocson to organize a combat unit in Batangas Province to be known as Guinto Area, later Gold Area. On March 4, 1944, he arrived in Bauan, Batangas and began organizing his combat unit. Early in September 1944, he contacted Lt. Col. Enrique L. Jurado in the presence of Lt. Lim (S-2). Their agreement was that Capt. Tibay was to present a roster of his combat unit within three weeks. The capture of Major Hocson by the enemy and the untimely death of Col. Jurado prevented the carrying out of the plans agreed to.

Early in January, a mission was sent to Tablas to contact Lt. Lim. The roster carried the roster of five companies (combat) and one Hq. Co., and some intelligence reports.

Early in February, another mission was sent to Tablas with the ultimate intention to reach [the] HQ in Panay, but was advised not to proceed by Tablas intelligence authorities due to dangerous conditions prevailing.

Another party went to Calapan, bringing intelligence


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reports and request for arms. The CIC office was contacted and [the] names of pro-Japanese elements were submitted.

The men in Maricaban Island have undergone intensive training in the school of the soldier without arms. There are only a few pistols, one old Springfield rifle, one sightless carbine and some hand grenades. The male population voluntarily offered services in guard duty. The companies in Batangas Province proper were awaiting orders and were prepared to offer their services.

Gold Area under Capt. Tibay has passed the cruel and merciless mopping-up campaigns of the enemy. It has followed its policy of not molesting the civilian population and has helped very materially to increase the morale and policy of passive resistance of the people against the enemy.

Notes and references:
1 “Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon Intelligence Echelon, 6th MD,” online at the United States National Archives.
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