Report on the Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon Echelon, 6th MD - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Report on the Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon Echelon, 6th MD - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Report on the Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon Echelon, 6th MD


The Gold Area Unit was a guerrilla organization affiliated Free Luzon Intelligence Echelon of the 6th Military District on the island of Panay. This unit was ordered created in Bauan, Batangas by one Mariano A. Tibay, who would also be its commander. In this page is a transcription1 of 2nd Lt. Bruce Bromley Jr.’s investigative report on the Gold Area Unit.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]


1. 2nd Lt Bruce Bromely Jr proceeded to Asis, Bauan, Batangas on 25 March 1947 to investigate the Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon, 6th Military District.

2. ALLEGED HISTORY: (See attached Unit File).

3. FINDINGS: The following persons were interviewed and their statements are reflected in the findings:

Col A. M. David
Col Q. Gellidon
Col M. Dikit
Capt Mariano A. Tibay
Tomas G. Bruel
Leoncio Lumanglas
Faustino Bruel
Tolentino Hermano
Nicolas Mendoza
Napoleon Reinoso
Gregorio Belino
Pio Albero
Nicolas Alvarez
Unit Comdr, FAIT
Liaison O, FAIT
Member, FAIT
Commanding Officer, subject unit
Executive Officer, subject unit
CO, "A" Co
S-3, subject unit
"A" Co
"B" Co
"B" Co
"C" Co
"D" Co
"E" Co

b. Record of service of the unrecognized portion of the subject unit was not substantiated by sufficient acceptable evidence. All pertinent documents are applicable only to those members previously recognized by the 11th Airborne Division. There is no evidence of value to support the claims of the unrecognized portion. Close examination of evidence in the unit file and of statements made by individuals interrogated prove the abovementioned contention.

c. The unrecognized portion of the subject unit was not maintained satisfactorily in the field in opposition to the enemy. Activities prior to the liberation consisted of intelligence work and minor sabotage. During the liberation, only those members in possession of firearms were attached to the 11th Airborne. Other members claim attachment but there is no evidence or record of accomplishments to support this claim.

d. A definite organization was not maintained by the unit. The roster strength numbers 1500 individuals but the commanding officer admits that only 600 members were active. The executive officer stated that only 300 were active. There was no organizational breakdown during the unit’s period of activities. Even today, members are not able to state their company designation or the names of their commanding officers.

e. Performance of the unit did not indicate adequate control by its commanding officer and his subordinates. Officers who appear on the roster attached hereto are unrecognized with the exception of the commanding officer.

[p. 2]

This proves one of two conclusions: (1) that Capt Tibay was the only officer accompanying his men to the 11th Airborne; or (2) that roster adjustment has been effected to ensure more beneficial recognition. Either conclusion brings discredit to the subject unit.

f. Sphere of operations, as surveyed by the undersigned, was not commensurate with the nature of the terrain and was limited by the degree of anti-Japanese activity of other guerrilla units.

g. Col David stated that he had never heard of the subject unit. Cols Gellidon and Dikit stated that they believed an additional recognition was warranted but were unable to make any specific recommendations.

h. No useful purpose will be accomplished by further investigation of this unit and no revision of dates is recommended for those previously recognized.

4. POLITICAL ASPECTS: This unit does not appear to have any political affiliations or aspirations.

5. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that with the exception of those 96 members previously recognized with the 11th Airborne Division, the Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon, 6th Military District be not favorably considered for recognition.

2nd Lt., INF
Notes and references:
1 “Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon Intelligence Echelon, 6th MD,” online at the United States National Archives.
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