Report on the 4th Battalion, Golden Regiment, Blue Eagle Brigade - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Report on the 4th Battalion, Golden Regiment, Blue Eagle Brigade - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Report on the 4th Battalion, Golden Regiment, Blue Eagle Brigade


The Golden Regiment was one of the sub-elements of the Blue Eagle Brigade operating in Batangas during the Japanese occupation and the subsequent liberation period. One of its smaller units, the 4th Battalion, filed its own application with the United States Army seeking official recognition as an element of the Philippine Army in the service of the Armed Forces of the United States. In this page is a transcription1 of an investigatory report filed by one Lt. George Kemper on the 4th Battalion, Golden Regiment, Blue Eagle Brigade.

Guerrilla Files

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Report on the “4th Battalion, Golden Regiment, Blue Eagle Brigade”

1. Major Vincent K. Coates and 1st Lt. George E. Kemper proceeded to Calaca, Batangas and Nasugbu, Batangas on 21 January 1947 to investigate the 4th Battalion, Golden Regiment, Blue Eagle Brigade.

2. ALLEGED HISTORY: (See attached unit file).


a. The following persons were interviewed and their statements are reflected in the findings.
Lt Col Eduardo C Villadolid – CO Golden Regiment
Col Mariano H. Cabarrubia – CO Rainbow Regiment, Blue Eagle Brigade
Col Quintin Gellidon – Formerly Deputy in Charge of Guerrillas attached to 11th ABD
Lt Col Jose Razon – Formerly labor contractor for 11th Airborne Division
Lt Col George O. Pearson – Exec. and later CO of the 187 P.G. Inf., 11th ABD
Juan Chuidian – Citizen of Manila, former resident of Nasugbu
Luis Licopa – CO Licopa Unit
Lazaro Malabanan – Executive Off., Gagalac Unit

b. The record of service was not substantiated by sufficient acceptable evidence. Records during the period of occupation are non-existent.

c. The unit was not maintained satisfactorily in the field in opposition to the enemy, because it was a reserve unit of the Golden Regiment and was not used except for labor work. When the American Army landed at Nasugbu, the men of this unit were among those used to unload the ships. For this labor, they received pay and rations.

d. A definite organization was not established by this unit because it existed principally as a paper unit and engaged in very few home-guard activities at the most. Members of this unit did not devote their entire effort to military activities in the field to the exclusion of normal civilian and family obligations. Those who deserved recognition joined other units and were recognized with them. The remainder stayed home and a few of these contributed small bits of intelligence information.

e. Performance of the unit did not indicate adequate control by its commanding officer, because some claimed members of this unit joined other units during the liberation. The leader admits this and also admits that some of these men were recognized in other units.

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f. The unit did not show satisfactory continuity of activity and organization, because the leader states in his history that the unit had no arms and “could not act as a whole unit.” Other guerrilla leaders who operated in the same area knew of no activities of this unit.

g. Eduardo C. Villadolid, Commanding Officer of the Golden Regiment, says that this was a reserve unit that was not used by his organization.

h. Colonel Gellidon, Lt Colonel Pearson and other officers in charge of guerrilla units under the 11th ABD say that this unit was not active.

i. No useful purpose will be served by further investigation of this unit.

j. No roster no evidence was submitted with the request for recognition.

k. All worthy members of the Golden Regiment have been recognized.

4. POLITICAL ASPECTS: This unit does not appear to have any political affiliations or aspirations.

5. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the 4th Battalion, Golden Regiment, Blue Eagle Brigade be not favorably considered for recognition.

Major FA
1st Lt. CAC
Notes and references:
1 “4th Bn, Golden Regt, Malakas Div, Blue Eagle Brigade,” File No. 213-11, online at PVAO.
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