Documents by Mariano Tibay on the Gold Area Unit - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Documents by Mariano Tibay on the Gold Area Unit - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Documents by Mariano Tibay on the Gold Area Unit


The Gold Area Unit was a guerrilla organization affiliated Free Luzon Intelligence Echelon of the 6th Military District on the island of Panay. This unit was ordered created in Bauan, Batangas by one Mariano A. Tibay, who would also be its commander. In this page are transcriptions1 of three documents created and signed by Gold Area Unit Commanding Officer Mariano Tibay and submitted to the US Army along with the guerrilla outfit’s application for recognition.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]


In the Field
17 Feb 45
TO : Col. Verbook
21st Inf.
A. P. O. 24


It has been an unexpected pleasure to meet Lt. Priestess and his two men who came up here in the Island of Maricaban. We will expect some more of your men to come up here, soon.

Let me inform you that the Hq. of Gold Area is presently in Maricaban Island. Same will be transferred to Batangas as first favorable situation arises. There are at present two full companies and the Hq. Co. at Maricaban Island. Two more companies are in Bauan and one in Lemery. I respectfully request that we be furnished some arms so that the men here can be prepared for any eventuality.

I have taken the opportunity to submit to you through the kindness of Lt. Priestess the rosters of the companies under my command. I respectfully request your help and recommendation so these rosters will reach the proper authorities for the final recognition of my unit which I have organized under the order of Major Hocson. You see, sir, my unit is under the supervision of the 6”MD. I would wish it to be placed under the command of responsible authorities.

For any help you will be kind enough to extend to us, my men and I will be deeply appreciative and grateful.

Capt. Inf.
Area Commander

[p. 2]


In the Field
30 Jan 45
TO : Commander Nicholson,
Thru Capt. Hernandez, SWPA.


In connection with the agreement the undersigned had with Capt. Richmond, recently in Abra, I am sending a party of my officers composed of Lt. Faustino Brual, S-3, Lt. Modesto Paradero, and Lt. Nicolas Alvarez, commanders of Companies “A” and “B,” respectively. They carry the rosters of the unit under my command in [the] GOLD AREA (Batangas Province) and intelligence reports which Captain Richmond and Captain Whitehead asked for. The undersigned respectfully requests that the rosters and intelligence reports reach their proper destination through your help and disposition.

The Headquarters of Gold Area is presently in the island of Maricaban. Same will be transferred to Batangas as the first favorable situation arises. There are, at present, two companies in Maricaban Island. Two more companies are in Bauan and one in Lemery.

The undersigned respectfully requests that Mr. Severino Farol be allowed to report to HQ, Gold Area, as his services are now badly needed. Regarding him, let it be known that he was appointed operative at large for [the] Free Luzon Area by Major Hocson. He was later appointed by the undersigned as S-2 of [the] Gold Area. Suspected and contacted by the Japanese, he was instructed by the undersigned to accept the position offered to him by the enemy but also to retain his position as S-2 of Gold Area. The intelligence reports submitted by the undersigned to the Commander sometime last December thru Lt. Evora, SWPA, were chiefly Mr. Farol’s efforts. He has been mostly instrumental in saving the undersigned and his organization from being unearthed and destroyed by the enemy, and had rendered help to similar organizations in the Visayas.

For the consideration and favors the Commander may kindly give to these requests, the undersigned remains deeply appreciative and grateful.

Capt. Inf.
Area Commander

[p. 3]

23 January 1946


The officers and men of [the] Gold Area Guerrilla Unit shown in the attached list were recognized and attached to the 11th Airborne Division, USA on 20 April 1945 as GOLD COMPANY. These officers and men were all original members of the parent Gold Area Unit. They composed the select group who served immediately under the Commanding Officer in the hectic period of the underground resistance. They were selected from the various companies of Gold Area. They established a Hqs in Maricaban Island, then transferred to the Batangas mainland and served with the 11th Airborne Division. They were fully armed.

The command and operation of the sub-units of Gold Area left in Bauan and Lemery areas, Batangas Province and in Maricaban Island and in Manila and Rizal Province devolved upon the officers left on the spot. Armed with bolos, a few pistols and fighting spirit, they did intelligence work, sabotage, propaganda, and contacted enemy stragglers from the hills and in retreat. They assisted the American forces in the liberation of Bauan and Mabini areas and in the Durungaw Mt. campaign. These officers and men have not yet been recognized.

Selected from the various companies of the Gold Area Unit, the officers and men that formed the Gold Company attached to the 11th Airborne Division carried their original ranks and grades. But upon attachment to the 11th Airborne Division, many of them were demoted to fit the T/O of Gold Company recognized and attached. Their names appear in the full roster of [the] Gold Area Unit with their original ranks and grades.

It is requested that due consideration be given to these officers and men who, upon recognition and attachment, were reduced in original rank and grade to fit the T/O of less than one company recognized at an earlier date. Their devotion to [the] cause and duty did not dampen with demotion. On the other hand, their record of service with the US Army was one to be proud of. It is further requested that the officers and men mentioned in paragraph 2 be recognized according to their original ranks. List of said officers and men is hereto attached. A recognition of their original ranks and grades would be justice done and loyalty rewarded.

Capt, Inf. PA
(Commanding Officer, Gold Area Unit)
Notes and references:
1 “Gold Area Unit, Free Luzon Intelligence Echelon, 6th MD,” online at the United States National Archives.
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