Activities of the Civilian Liberation Volunteers (Alitagtag) - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Activities of the Civilian Liberation Volunteers (Alitagtag) - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Activities of the Civilian Liberation Volunteers (Alitagtag)


The Hunters-ROTC was a large guerrilla organization founded in Rizal but which relocated its headquarters to the western Batangas town of Nasugbu as the liberation of Luzon neared. It had many units operating in many areas of Luzon and its 49th Regiment was based in Batangas. The Civilian Liberation Volunteers was from all indications a group of labor volunteers who helped the US Army during the liberation of Batangas and was attached to the units of the Hunters-ROTC Guerrilla organization. In this page is a transcription1 of the alleged record of activities of the Civilian Liberation Volunteers as submitted to the United States Army.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]

“F” Co. 2nd Bn 49th Regt

20 February 1947
: Chronologial Record of Activities of
: The Claims Service, AFWESPAC
Thru the National Commander

15 Sept 1944-30 Jan 1945

By authority granted by the Overall Commander, Col Terry Magtangol Adevoso, a group of men known as the Civilian Laborers were attached to the Guerrilla Forces. The activities of this group of civilian laborers during the Japanese occupation were mainly concentrated on manual labor. This group was hired as water carriers from rivers to the camps where the guerrillas had their headquarters. Their labor was utilized also in the construction of temporary camps and in clearing the surroundings. This group was also hired in gathering fuel and in camouflage work. They were also utilized as fishermen and they were of great help in supplying fish as food consumed by the guerrillas.
31 Jan 1945-6 Mar 1945
The 11th Airborne Division parachuted at Nasugbu, Batangas. This group of civilian laborers attached to the guerrillas was also attached to the US Army. Their activities covered the clearing and cleaning of camp sites. They were also hired as water carriers. The other members of the group were utilized as fishermen. Many of these men were hired as paddlers of bancas used by the guerrillas in the transport of supplies and ammunition. They were also hired in clearing and leveling the grounds for camp sites.
7 Mar 1945-27 Mar 1945
The 158 RCT US Army beach-landed at Lemery, Batangas. The towns of Taal and Alitagtag were occupied by the US Army. They established a CP at Mozon, Alitagtag, Batangas. They civilian laborers attached to the guerrillas were hired by the 158 RCT. They dug the foxholes, helped in the building of tents. They were hired as water carriers. Some of them were hired in cleaning and leveling the grounds inside the camp. Cleared the road and surroundings of bombed materials.
28 Mar 1945-2 Sept 1945
The 11th Airborne Division established their CP at Alitagtag and later on at Mataas na Kahoy. The civilian laborers were attached together with the regular guerrillas.

[p. 2]

They were hired to carry boxes and supplies from the camp to the place of battle. Some of the men were assigned in cleaning and clearing the ground. They cut the grasses and bushes along the way where the soldiers were passing. The others were assigned to digging foxholes. They were hired in leveling the ground inside the camp. At many times, they were hired to carry the many cans of water from the camp to the base of Mt. Macolot where the US soldiers and the guerrillas were stationed to block the Japanese soldiers from coming down the camp and to the town or poblacion. They civilian laborers performed the work assigned to them from the time they were attached to the US Army up to the surrender of Japan.
1st Lt Infantry
Town Commander (Alitagtag)
Notes and references:
1 “Ocampo Bn, 47th Div, HUNTERS-ROTC,” File No. 307-37, online at the United States National Archives.
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