Lobo Unit Editorial Vol III No. 16 on Japanese Propaganda Justifying Their Aggression - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Lobo Unit Editorial Vol III No. 16 on Japanese Propaganda Justifying Their Aggression - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Lobo Unit Editorial Vol III No. 16 on Japanese Propaganda Justifying Their Aggression


The Lobo Unit, USAFFE Guerrilla was originally considered by the United States army as part of the Pandita Area, DI Combat, Free Luzon Area, 6th Military District guerrilla outfit under the command of one Danny Flores. The mother organization was not favorably considered for recognition by the United States Army. However, among the files of this unit submitted to the United States Army is a series of “editorials” which, while not created by anybody from within the unit, were probably disseminated not only among guerrillas but also the civilian population in Lobo to keep the morale high. Thus, it provides great historical value and is included among the files of this unit. This document is part of this series.

Guerrilla Files
VOL. III, NO. 16 12 March 1944


“To ensure the stability of East Asia and to contribute to world peace is the far-sighted policy which was formulated by Our Great Illustrious Imperial Grandsire and Our Great Imperial Sire succeeding Him, and which We lay constantly to heart.

“To cultivate friendship among nations and to enjoy prosperity in common with all nations has always been the guiding principle of Our Empire’s foreign policy. It has been truly unavoidable and far from our wishes that Our Empire has now been brought to cross swords with America and Britain.”

These are plain propaganda. They are vocal and not real. The following declarations made by the head of the Japanese nation and which we are printing below are sky clear in a summer morning and needs no further comment or elaboration:

“In reflecting over the international implications of Japan’s population problem, as in reflecting over any other great international issue today, we are brought to realize once more the paramount need of putting an end to the state of nature that still characterizes so wide a domain of foreign relationships, and of erecting peace – providing machinery that can determine – and enforce – a settlement of disputes that arise and always will arise as long as human beings or their Governments have dealings one with the other.

“What is to prevent an extension of Japan? Japan, Italy and Germany all have claims on International Society. If there are no legal means in existence for satisfying our claims, necessity forced us to attempt to illegal means: utility rather than Justice demands it.”

-Premier Gen. HIDEKI TOZYO

We don’t have to comment long and elaborate on these bold declarations of the head of the Japanese nation and the rest of the Axis. They are true expressions of their policies. There could not be any other interpretation, even how wide and wild one’s imagination may be.

Their byword and creed have always been FORCE. They are barbaric; they are uncivilized and un-Christian. They don’t recognize and respect international laws and property rights. They are more than savages!

Indeed, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was right in affirming and advocating the peace offenders must be crushed to put an end to barbarism.


Notes and references:
1 “Pandita Area, Free Luzon Intelligence Echelon, 6th MD, [Folder 4],” online at the United States National Archives.
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