Statement of Rikizo Monma Related to Japanese Activities in Batangas in World War II - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Statement of Rikizo Monma Related to Japanese Activities in Batangas in World War II - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Statement of Rikizo Monma Related to Japanese Activities in Batangas in World War II


This page contains the testimony from one accused, Warrant Officer Rikizo Monma, submitted as evidence in U.S.A. v Shumpei Hagino, et al., one of the war crimes trials conducted after the conclusion of World War II in the Pacific in 1945. This document was the record of a deposition conducted at the American High Commissioner’s residence in Manila after the conclusion of hostilities. The pages contained herein are now declassified and were part of compiled documentation1 of war crimes trials conducted by the United States Military Commission after the conclusion of World War II. This transcription has been corrected for grammar where necessary by Batangas History, Culture and Folklore. The pagination is as it was contained in the original document for citation purposes.

Manila War Crimes Trial US Army
Photo taken during the war crimes trials in Manila. Image credit: U.S. National Archives.

[p. 1]

I, Warrant Officer Rikizo MONMA, Japanese Army, after having been sworn, testified at the High Commissioner’s Residence, Manila, on 21 January 1946, as follows:

Q State your name and age.
A 30 years old. Rikizo MONMA.

Q State the regiment and battalion of the Japanese Army to which you were attached in February 1945.
A I was attached to the Second Infantry Gun Platoon of the Second Battalion of the 17th Infantry Regiment.

Q Where were you stationed in February of 1945?

Q About the middle of February, did you receive an order to participate in the TAAL punitive force?
A Yes.

Q Who issued this order?
A I received the order from 2nd Lt. Chiyokichi FUKUOKA, platoon leader of the Second Infantry Gun Platoon of the Second Battalion.

Q Who was 2nd Lt. FUKUOKA’s direct superior?
A Capt. Isao ICHIMURA.

Q Who was the leader of the Taal punitive force?
A 1st Lt. Kiyomi TAKEMOTO.

Q How many men from your platoon took part in the Taal punitive force?
A As I recall, there were about ten men.

Q As near as you can remember, give the names of those from the FUKUOKA platoon who participated, and also state whether they are living or dead.
A   1. 2nd Lt. Chiyokichi FUKUOKA, living

2. M/Sgt. Rikizo MONMA, living
3. Sgt. Hiroji YOSHIDA, dead
4. Leading Pvt. Hikojiro SATO, living
5. Leading Pvt. Kuranosuke WATANABE, living
6. Superior Pvt. Kyuji KAWAMATA, dead
7. Sgt. Seiji NARA, living
8. Superior Pvt. Yoshizo KAWAJIRI, dead
9. Superior Pvt. Taichi MIYAKOSHI
10. Cpl. Shuji YOSHIDA, living

Q What was the mission of this punitive force?
A Suppression of guerrillas. We were told to kill those who fled when they saw the Japanese troops.

Q Who told you that?
A We were told by the platoon leader, 2nd Lt. Chiyokichi FUKUOKA.

Q How far was your unit separated from the main force, and where did you go?
A I am not sure, but I think we were about a kilometer from the main force. Also, it seemed that we were to the rear of the main body.

Q What was the direct order you received concerning the live natives in the vicinity of the barrio of TAAL?
A We were told by the platoon commander to shoot those who tried to run away.

[p. 2]

Q At any time, did you ever receive an order or advice to give guerrillas a trial?
A No, I did not receive any.

Q Did you see any natives who were alive at the barrio of TAAL?
A No.

Q How long did the punitive action last?
A Three days.

I have read this statement consisting of two pages and have understood it completely. This statement is true.

Signed: W/O Rizo MONMA

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of January, 1946.
/s/ George D. Murphy, Jr., 2nd Lt., CMP
/s/ Sgt. Harold T. Oie (30109996)
I, NOEL TSUNEISHI, being duly sworn, state that the foregoing is to the best of my knowledge a true, complete and accurate English translation of the Japanese portions of a statement made and written in Japanese, and signed by Rikizo MONMA at the High Commissioner’s Residence, Manila, P.I., on the 21st day of January, 1946.
T/4 Noel Tsuneishi – 37365040
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of February 1946.
/s/ William S. Yard
Capt., JAGD
2nd Lt., INF (PA)
Notes & References:
1 “Statement of Rikizo Monma, part of the documentation in U.S.A. v Shumpei Hagino, et al.,” part of the U.S. Military Commission compilation of war crimes documentation, online at the Internet Archive.
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