Mount Maculot seen from One Side, 1933 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Mount Maculot seen from One Side, 1933 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Mount Maculot seen from One Side, 1933

Photo of Mt. Maculot taken in 1933.
Photo of Mt. Maculot taken in 1933.
The picture above shows Mount Macolod (as the Americans called Makulot or Maculot) in the town of Cuenca in the Province of Batangas. The picture was taken by the photographer Robert L. Pendleton and has been downloaded from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Digital Library. Its original caption/title was “Batangas province (Philippines), view of Mount Macolod.”

To improve the quality of the original download, it has been processed using graphics editing software to lighten dark areas and improve overall sharpness. Rights to the picture above belong to the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System but it has been made available by UWM for educational and non–commercial use. The original photograph is available here.

Mount Maculot overlooks Taal Lake and used to be one side of a primordial super volcano the caldera of which is believed to have been the lake itself.

Below is a colorized version of the same picture courtesy of Algorithmia.
A colorized version of the top picture.
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