San Isidro, Malvar, Batangas: Historical Data - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore San Isidro, Malvar, Batangas: Historical Data - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

San Isidro, Malvar, Batangas: Historical Data

Historical Data graphic
Historical data from the National Library of the Philippines.

Full transcription of the so-called “Historical Data” for the barrio of San Andres in the Municipality of Malvar, Batangas, the original scanned documents at the National Library of the Philippines Digital Collections not having OCR or optical character recognition properties. This transcription has been edited for grammar, spelling and punctuation where possible. The original pagination is provided for citation purposes.

[Cover page.]


Compiled by:
Nicolas Lat
Servillano de Chavez

[p. 1]

Part One: History

1. Present official name of the barrio.

San Isidro

2. Popular name of the barrio, present and past; derivation and meanings of these names. Names of sitios included within the territorial jurisdiction of the barrio.

Formerly, this barrio was called Bilukaw. This name was derived from a big bilukaw tree that grew in the middle part of the barrio. But when Luta was created into a small town with several barrios, Bilukaw, as it was popular to the people, registered its name as San Isidro. This name was derived from a very popular man whose name was Isidro San Isidro. Bulihan is the only sitio within the territorial jurisdiction [of the barrio].

3. Date of establishment.

January 1, 1919.

4. Original families.

Vicente del Mundo
Juan del Mundo
Bernando [Bernardo?] Mendoza
Claro de Chavez
Monico Mendoza
Honorio de Leon
Isidro Lat
Juan de Torres

5. List of tenientes from the earliest time to date.

1. Claro de Chavez
2. Juan de Torres
3. Fortunato Tizon
4. Claro de Chavez
5. Pedro del Mundo
6. Claro de Chavez
7. Miguel Pitogo
8. Estaneslao Vergara
9. Diego Sava
10. Felipe Manalo
11. Ceferino Leviste

[p. 2]

Cont. History

6. Story of old barrios or sitios within the jurisdiction that are now depopulated or extinct.


7. Data on historical sites, structures, buildings, old ruins, etc.


8. Important facts, incidents and events that took place.

(a) During the Spanish occupation.


(b) During the American occupation to World War II.


(c) During and after World War II

Made this barrio a hiding place by the people from the poblacion.

9. Destruction of lives, properties and institutions during wars, especially in 1896-1900 and 1941-1945.


Measures and accomplishments toward rehabilitation and reconstruction following World War II.


[p. 3]

Part Two: Folkways

10. Traditions, customs and practices in domestic and social life.

a. Going to church on Sundays.
b. Sharing special dishes with neighbors.
c. Gossiping.
d. Reading the “Passion.”
e. Celebrating the “Flores de Mayo.”
f. Close family ties.
g. Kissing the hands of elders.
h. Using the term “po” as a sign of respect.


a. Sour fruits are never given to a woman who has newly given birth.
b. A mother who gave birth is given massages morning and afternoon.
c. A child born at night is said to be bolder than one born during the daytime.


a. Visiting the lady at night.
b. Before a man can enter the house, he must say the words, “Mano po.”
c. Christening the child on Sundays.
d. The sponsor usually gives money to the child.


a. A man usually gives services as pounding rice, fetching water and chopping wood for the girl’s family.
b. Visiting the lady at night.


a. Before marriage is done, the groom is asked to donate a portion of their land to the bride.
b. [A] Party is prepared during the wedding for the entertainment of the visitors and relatives. The man’s relatives serve while the woman’s relatives are the served.


a. When a person dies, it is announced to the relatives near and far.
b. Alms are given by the people to the bereaved family.
c. Praying for the dead.


a. It used to be customary to accompany the dead to his resting place with old dirges or funeral songs.
b. The dead is buried in the cemetery of the town. Before it is buried, it is taken to the church for the priest to say a prayer for him.

[p. 4]


a. Visits are made by relatives, friends, neighbors and strangers.
b. People are hospitable.
c. Bringing something when visiting a sick person.


a. Celebrating the May Flower festivals.
b. Celebration of the Patron’s Saint’s Day.
c. Celebration of Christmas Day.
d. Celebration of New Year’s Day.


11. Myths, legends, beliefs, interpretations, superstitions, origin of the world, land, mountains and caves, lakes, rivers, plants, trees, animals, sun, moon, stars, eclipses, earthquakes, lightning and thunder, clouds, rain, wind, storms, changes of climate, other natural phenomena, first man and woman; birth of twins or more; sickness; witchcraft, magic; divination; etc.

Beliefs and Superstitions

a. It is good to plant fruits and vegetables on [a] full moon.
b. It is [not] good to take a bath when there is a dead person.
c. One may marry a widower if she sings in front of a stove.
d. Someone will die if a dog howls at night.
e. Bad luck will be on your way when you meet a black cat.
f. It is bad to marry [your] first cousin.
g. Making novenas for some favors, going on pilgrimages.
h. Placing a jar of cool water in a newly constructed house.
i. It is not good to leave the house when someone is still eating. Bad luck may come on the way.
j. When one dreams that one of his teeth fell, someone in the family will be sick.
k. In planting bananas, one should not look up the plant. If he does, the banana will grow very tall before it bears fruits.
l. When a cat wipes its face, a visitor is coming.
m. It is not good to cut fingernails at night or on Friday.
n. When a man with a pregnant mother cuts her hair, her wife will give birth to a hairless baby.
o. When a spoon or fork falls, some more visitors are coming.
p. Putting plates one over another when there is a dead person is bad. Other members of the family may also die.

[p. 5]

Popular Songs

Planting Rice

Planting rice is never fun, bent from morn till the set of sun,
Cannot stand and cannot sit, cannot rest for a little bit.
Planting rice is no fun, bent from morn till the set of sun.

O come, friends, and let us homeward take our way.
Now we rest until the dawn is gray,
Sleep welcome sleep, we need to keep us strong.
Morn brings another work day long.

Labandera Dance

We are village labanderas so gay
We earn our living washing clothes for neighbors every day.
Our work is done with care, our arms healthy and bare.
And the price we charge is low and fair.

Games and Amusements

a. Ballgames
b. “Huego de anillo”
c. “Huego de prenda”
d. Going to shows
e. Reading Tagalog magazines.

Puzzles and Riddles

a. A beautiful lady eating her body.
b. What is [it] that shines but not gold?
c. What walks but has no feet?
d. Which can run faster, heat or cold?
e. It has four feet but cannot walk.

Proverbs and Sayings

a. He that will not stop for a pin will not be worth a pound.
b. The fisherman who draws his net too soon won’t have any fish to sell.
c. The idler the man is, the poorer he becomes.
d. Education is enough capital.
e. Make the use of time as time lost is never found.
f. The sleeping shrimp is carried away by the current.
g. Lazy people should follow the ant’s example.
h. Be thrifty if you desire to be wealthy.
i. Diligence and honesty before progress and prosperity.
j. A petted child is generally naked.
k. Diligence makes living easier.
l. Correct practice makes perfect.
m. Honesty is the best policy.
n. Make hay while the sun shines.
o. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
p. If there is a wheel, there is [a] wheel.
q. Not all the glitters is gold.
r. Strike the iron while it is hot.
s. Gambling is the express trip to poverty.

[p. 6]

Methods of Measuring Time

a. By means of the shadow of the sun, man and trees.
b. Crowing of roosters.
c. Formations of moon and stars.
d. Clock.

Other Folktales
Part Three: Other Information

A. Information on books and documents treating of the Philippines and the names of their owners.


B. The names of the Filipino authors born or residing in the community, the titles and subjects of their works, whether printed or in manuscript form, and the names of the persons possessing these.


Notes and references:
Transcribed from “History and Cultural Life of the Barrio (San Isidro),” 1953, online at the National Library of the Philippines Digital Collections.
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