Report on the San Jose Guerrilla Unit Leading to Official Recognition, January 1946 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Report on the San Jose Guerrilla Unit Leading to Official Recognition, January 1946 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Report on the San Jose Guerrilla Unit Leading to Official Recognition, January 1946

The San Jose Guerrilla Unit was an underground organization that opposed the Japanese in the Province of Batangas in World War II. It was commanded by one Pedro Kalalo and was officially recognized with 60 men as an element of the Philippine Army in the service of the United States Armed Forces during the liberation of the country. In this document1, one Lt. George Campbell, assigned by the United States Army to investigate the San Jose Guerrilla Unit on account of its application for official recognition, filed his report.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]

G-3 Guerrilla Affairs Branch

APO 707
26 January 1946


In compliance with orders from the Chief of Section, Guerrilla Affairs Section, this Headquarters, Lt. George A. Campbell of Contact Team “H” investigated the Guerrilla Unit known as San Jose Guerrilla Unit with the following results.


This unit claims to have been organized in 1942, but they did not begin any extensive operations against the Japs until 15 September 1944. It is under the command of Pedro B. Kalalo, a 2nd Lieut. (PA) now on duty with the Quartermaster Section, HPA. The strength of the unit is 700, of which 60 are claimed to have been on active duty 100% of the time. The remaining men were acting as reserves and furnishing some intelligence reports to the Unit Headquarters. Among the 60 active members, 16 are ex-USAFFE enlisted men and 5 are ex-USAFFE officers.

The unit was recognized by Capt C. N. Schommer, U.S. Task Force, on 25 February 1945, according to an original communication from him. On 24 March 1945, Lt. Kalalo received a letter from Major William D. Schloth, 11th Abn. Div. in charge of guerrillas, commending the unit for the excellent intelligence reports turned in by them. He also explained the attachment procedure. Later, they became attached to Company “B,” 511th Parachute Infantry under Capt. John M. Ringler. They have two letters of commendation from him and 1 roster of 32 men signed by him. At the same time, they had 32 men attached to Btry “C,” 152nd AA Bn. who were later transferred to 1876th E.A.B. Their evidence for this attachment is a note sent from the supply offier of Btry “C” to the Engr. Bn. requesting that they furnish rations for the 32 men. Two men were killed in action in the latter part of April and the two Medical Officers were disapproved. Their names had been written in ink on the roster that had been signed by Ringler, and their usefulness in a unit that small would be very limited.

The attachment with the 511th was for over a month, ending sometime in May. The length of the two other attachments is unknown, but they also ended sometime in May. The unit claims to have been somewhat active after May, but not on a full time basis. They have no evidence on anything accomplished after that date.


[p. 2]



The men of this unit have no apparent political connections.


It is recommended that these 60 men be recognized with the grades and ratings as indicated in attached roster. Effective date of recognition should be 25 February 1945 and effective date of discharge should be 31 May 1945.
2nd Lieut., CE
Leader, Contact Team “H”

1 Incl: As indicated

Notes and references:
1 “San Jose Guerrilla Unit,” File No. 300, online at the United States National Archives.
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