US Army Letter Informing Highland United Guerrillas of Non-Recognition, February 1947 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore US Army Letter Informing Highland United Guerrillas of Non-Recognition, February 1947 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

US Army Letter Informing Highland United Guerrillas of Non-Recognition, February 1947

The Highland United Guerrillas was guerrilla outfit that operated in the Province of Batangas out of the Municipality of Mataasnakahoy in World War II. It was under the command of one Alfredo Silva. In this document1, one R. E. Cantrell of the Adjutant General’s Office of the Philippines-Ryukyus Command of the United States Army wrote to Silva to inform him that his guerrilla unit was not being recognized as an element of the Philippine Army in the Service of the Armed Forces of the United States in World War II.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]


GSCPU 091 PI / 286 APO 707
13 FEB 1947

Mr. Alfredo Silva
Mataas-na-Kahoy, Lipa, Batangas

Dear Mr. Silva:

The Commanding General has directed that you be informed that the Highlanders Guerrilla Associating, purporting to be a guerrilla organization under your nominal control, is not favorably considered for recognition as an element of the Philippine Army.

A set of general requirements for guerrilla recognition, established by General MacArthur during the liberation of the Philippines, has been used as a guide in considering the record of this unit. After careful investigation and full consideration of all substantiating records and testimony of witnesses having pertinent knowledge, recognition of this guerrilla unit is not deemed warranted because of reasons mentioned below:

a. Record of service was not substantiated by sufficient acceptable evidence.

b. Activities of this unit did not contribute materially to the eventual defeat of the enemy.

c. Members of the unit did not devote their entire effort to military activities in the field to the exclusion of normal civilian occupation and family obligations.

d. The unit was not maintained satisfactorily in the field in opposition to the enemy.

e. A definite organization was not established.

This decision on the proposed unit roster does not preclude submission for individual and casualty recognition by those individuals who are qualified and feel justified in entering such claims.

[p. 2]

It is requested that you comply with the provisions of Executive Order No. 68, by the President of the Philippines, dated 28 September 1945, copy attached.


1 Incl

Executive Order No. 68
dtd 26 September 1945

Col G. F. Lillard:

1. The Highlanders United Guerrillas, consisting of approximately 1,432 men under the command of Alfredo Silva, has not been favorably considered for recognition. This is an initial investigation of the subject unit.

2. This unit does not fulfill the requirements of the five basic points for recognition. See Team Leader’s Report.

3. No useful purpose will be served by further investigation of the unit, and the casualties suffered were included in the unit’s roster.

4. No members of this unit are worthy of recognition.

[Sgd.] Capt C. G. Fernando

1. Concur: Maj C. H. Wentzell, Chief, Unit Inv Section

2. Concur: Lt Col S. J. Palos, Chief, Unit Branch

Notes and references:
1 “Highlanders United Guerrillas,” File No. 161, online at the United States National Archives.
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