Reconsideration Report on the Radio Station C.U.P. Anderson's Guerrillas - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Reconsideration Report on the Radio Station C.U.P. Anderson's Guerrillas - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Reconsideration Report on the Radio Station C.U.P. Anderson's Guerrillas


The Anderson’s Guerrillas was a guerrilla movement organized by Major Bernard Anderson, an American officer who was in direct contact with the Southwest Pacific Area Command under General Douglas MacArthur and, thus, able to send direct intelligence reports by radio communications. This guerrilla organization was not specifically organized in Batangas, it had units formed and operating in the province, including one it sent to operate a radio station in the barrio of Pagolingin in Lipa and in the town of Mataasnakahoy, manned by BatangueƱos, which gathered and sent intelligence to the Allies. In this document1, one Lt. Robert Morton, assigned to reinvestigate the Radio Station C.U.P. unit, filed his report.

Guerrilla Files

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1. In accordance with verbal instructions received on 14 October 1947 from Captain E.R. Curtis, Chief, Unit Branch, Guerrilla Affairs Division, G-3, Headquarters PHILRYCOM, Captain Robert L. Morton undertook the investigation for the reconsideration of the C.U.P. (Supplementary Roster of Anderson’s Guerrillas).


a. The C.U.P. (Supplementary Roster of Anderson’s Guerrillas) under the command of Captain Alfonso Panopio, and consisting of 7 members, originally requested a request for recognition on 8 January 1946. For record purposes, this unit was administratively not favorably considered for recognition. The reason for this action was that unit was to be considered in a composite roster of the overall command of the Anderson’s Guerrillas. However, the composite roster consisted only of intelligence units of Anderson’s Guerrillas, in and around Manila.

b. In view of the above, Lieutenant Colonel Bernard L. Anderson requested that the unit be reinvestigated; this request was accepted by this headquarters on 14 October 1947.

c. No letter of non-recognition has ever been sent to this unit.


(See Unit File)


a. In November 1944, Lt Col Anderson deemed it necessary that his command set up a radio station in the Province of Batangas for the purpose of transmitting intelligence data procured by his intelligence units in that area to his headquarters. Lt Col Anderson set up a team headed by Capt Alfonso Panopio. This unit was armed with Carbines and .45 Caliber Pistols. Lt Col Anderson issued them one SCR 288. The designation station call sign for this unit was C. U. P. Members consisted of radio operators and cryptographers who also acted as security guards.

b. Captain Alfonso Panopio, unit commander of Station C.U.P. was originally a member of Lieut Col Charles C. Smith’s Samar Area Command, having joined on 1 May 1944. On or about September 1944, Capt Panopio arrived at Lt Col Anderson’s headquarters at Tayabas upon verbal orders from Lt Col Smith. With Captain Panopio was one radio operator, Sgt. Holgado (FNU) of the AIB. Their equipment consisted of one SCR 288. They were to set up at Lt Col Anderson’s headquarters as per orders of Lt Col Smith for contact between the Anderson’s Command and the Samar Area Command. However, upon their arrival at Lt Col Anderson’s headquarters, the latter had already set up a net control

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station consisting of 3 BZ radio sets unloaded from the submarine USS Narwahl in September 1944. When the mission of establishing a radio station at Batangas arose, Lt Col Anderson assigned Capt Panopio to install same. Lt Col Anderson assigned his own radio operator to the station as Sgt Holgado was later killed in an encounter with the enemy en route to Batangas.

c. The unit was actually maintained in the field in opposition to the enemy and its activities contributed materially to the eventual defeat of the enemy. The voluminous intelligence reports submitted to Lt Col Anderson’s headquarters indicated that the unit was active. These intelligence reports, as stated by Lt Col Anderson, were of great value and that same were relayed to GHQ, SWPA by radio and via submarine. In spite of the fact that the station was located at Mataas-na-Kahoy, center of operations of the Japanese, reports continued to flow into Lt Col Anderson’s net control station. Due to these activities, three of the original seven were killed as a result of enemy action.

d. The seven members of the organization not only worked on signal communications but were also responsible for the evaluation and compilation of intelligence reports submitted by the Batangas Military Area, Anderson’s Guerrillas, to station C.U.P. Furthermore, the members had to act as cryptographers as well as security guards. With only seven members, the unit was able to function smoothly, thereby proving that they had a definite organization. Their activities and the results of same further indicate that the unit was actually maintained in the field or it never could have sent out the voluminous reports now on file with Lt Col Anderson’s records.


This unit does not appear to have any political affiliations or aspirations.


a. That the original decision of this headquarters, date 18 June 1947, not favorably considering the C. U. P. (Supplementary Roster of Anderson’s Guerrillas) for recognition, be modified and that the subject unit be favorably considered for recognition with a strength of 4 men for the period 4 November to 30 April 1945. Period of recognition constitutes revision as well as initial recognition.

b. The that 3 members included in the casualty roster submitted to the Casualty Section, this office, be favorably considered as individual members.

c. That this report constitute the final action on the C.U.P. (Supplementary Roster of Anderson’s Guerrillas).

Capt Ord Dept
Investigating Officer
Notes and references:
1 “Special Detachment Radio Station CUP, Anderson’s Grlas,” File No. 101-13, online at the United States National Archives.
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