Supporting Documents of the 36th Regt, PQOG-Taysan Submitted to US Army - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Supporting Documents of the 36th Regt, PQOG-Taysan Submitted to US Army - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Supporting Documents of the 36th Regt, PQOG-Taysan Submitted to US Army


The President Quezon’s Own Guerrillas or PQOG was another of the large guerrilla organizations that operated in southern Luzon, including the Province of Batangas, during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines all the way to the liberation of the province by the American and Allied forces. It had many affiliate units in Luzon, including one purportedly founded by one Isidro G. Sulit in the town of Taysan which called itself the 36th Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, PQOG. In this page are transcriptions1 of a certification and an affidavit submitted by the Taysan Regiment to the US Army with its application for recognition.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]

Headquarters 1st Regt (PQOG) PA
M a n i l a

12 January 1946
: Certification of Rank and Activities
: Whom It May Concern

1. Undersigned hereby certifies that ISIDRO SULIT was commissioned Captain of the President Quezon’s Own Guerrillas on August 15, 1943; promoted to rank of Major on 1 December 1943; then to rank of Lieutenant Colonel on 1 March 1944; and finally to rank of full Colonel on 15 January 1945.

2. Undersigned further certifies that during the period 15 August 1943 until the final disbandment of the PRESIDENT QUEZON’S OWN GUERRILLAS, Col. Sulit rendered very valuable services to the cause of the resistance movement, more specifically the following:

a) He organized the 36th Inf. Regiment of the PQOG in the towns of Rosario, Lobo, Taysan, and Batangas.

b) He led one of the combat units of the organization.

c) He gathered numerous arms for the use of our combat unit.

d) He was one of the principal guards of our radio station UAM first at its initial site in Tulos, Rosario; and then at Laiyan, San Juan.

e) He rendered valuable work in the final liberation campaign in the towns of Taysan and Lobo, having had several big encounters with the Japanese.

Col., Inf. 0-48192

[p. 2]


I, ESTEBAN M. MAYO, of legal age, married, born and residing in the Municipality of Lipa, Province of Batangas, Philippines after having been duly sworn to depose and say the following:

I- That I was commissioned Brig. Gen. of the PRESIDENT QUEZON’S OWN GUERRILLAS (PQOG) and designated as Division Commander of the 35th Infantry Division, Province of Batangas of the PQOG, and commissioned as Major of the Philippine Army with serial No. 048239;

II- That as such Division Commander, I know Colonel Isidro Sulit of Taysan, Batangas, commanding the 36th Infantry Regiment of the PQOG under the 35th Infantry Division;

III- That said Colonel Isidro Sulit was under my command;

IV- That as such regimental commander, said Colonel Isidro Sulit had to his credit long lines of encounters against the Japs during those dark days of our fight in cooperation with the Liberation Forces;

V- That among the lists of his engagements were encounters in Maugat, Rosario against 120 Japs and Makapili’s on March 9, 1945; encountered in Bilogo, Taysan March 15, 1945 against 200 Japs with several casualties on the part of the enemies; March 16, encountered in Jaybanga, Lobo against 14 stragglers with 5 casualties on the part of the Japs; encountered in Bignay, Lobo on March 28, 1945 against 78 Japs with 10 casualties on the part of the Japs; April 30, 1945 against 27 Japs in [the] barrio of Tulos, Rosario with 5 Japs killed; encountered in Bilogo, Taysan [on] May 1, 1945 with several Japanese killed and 2 Jap captured alive; on June 29, 1945, encountered in Banalo, Lobo, killing several Japs and capturing 1 alive.

VI- That all encounters mentioned occurred during the time Colonel Isidro Sulit was attached to the 35th Infantry Division but previous to his attachment to the Division, he had already several encounters to his credit against the enemy;

VII- That Colonel Sulit did not only wage war against the enemies but also did his best to clean his sector of spies;

VIII- That he was entrusted to guard the transmitter which the organization (PQOG) was keeping that time in the mountains of Laiya;

IX- That Colonel Isidro Sulit did splendid intelligence work which were all reported to the SWPA and, in effect, the American aviators were well-informed of the ammunition dumps, the fuel depot and the installations of the Jap soldiers which facilitated the Liberation Forces to attack the enemy;

X- That Col. Sulit did his best to harass the enemy and disrupted communication between the Japanese garrisons stationed within the area of his sector;

XI- That Col. Sulit also helped [in] the liberation of the municipalities of Taysan and Lobo;

XII- That Col. Sulit never surrendered to the Japanese Occupation troops here in the Islands and has always shown his loyalty to the American nation and the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines.

Affiant further sayeth none.


[p. 3]

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of January, 1946 at Lipa, Batangas.
Justice of the Peace
Notes and references:
1 “36th Inf Regt, 35th Div, I Corps, PQOG,” File No. 271-13, online at the United States National Archives.
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