US Army's Response to Reconsideration Request for Cos. A, B, C, D, 38th Inf Regt, 35th Div, I Corps PQOG - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore US Army's Response to Reconsideration Request for Cos. A, B, C, D, 38th Inf Regt, 35th Div, I Corps PQOG - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

US Army's Response to Reconsideration Request for Cos. A, B, C, D, 38th Inf Regt, 35th Div, I Corps PQOG


The President Quezon’s Own Guerrillas or PQOG was one of the large guerrilla organizations that operated in Southern Luzon during the Japanese occupation and into the liberation of Batangas. It had many affiliated outfits in Batangas, many of which filed for official recognition by the United States Army that they were elements of the Philippine Army in the service of the U.S. Armed forces during the liberation. Among these were Companies A, B, C and D of the 38th Regiment, 35th Division, I Corps of the PQOG. In this page is a transcription1 the official U.S. Army response to a request for consideration for a formerly rejected request for recognition.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]


GSCPU 91 PI / 1568 APO 707
25 JUL 1947

Mr. Alodio Reyes
Lipa, Batangas

Dear Mr. Reyes:

This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 17 September 1946, requesting reconsideration of the unfavorable decision rendered by this headquarters on 27 August 1946 with regard to the request for recognition of A, B, C, and D Companies, 38th Regiment, 35th Division, PQOG.

It is felt that the recognition extended to the composite roster of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, PQOG, a composite unit under the overall command of Col Vicente S. Umali, constitutes just and adequate acknowledgement of the military services rendered by the President Quezon’s Own Guerrillas (PQOG). In view of this fact, your request for reconsideration has not been favorably considered for modification of the original decision of non-recognition.

This letter constitutes the final determination of and action upon the claim for recognition of A, B, C, and D Companies, 38th Regiment, 35th Division, PQOG.


[p. 2]

Lt Col W. M. Hanes:

1. Basic, ltr fr Alodio Reyes to this Hqs, dtd 17 Sept 46, requesting reconsiderationof A, B, C, and D Co’s, 38th Regt, 35th Div, PQOG, consisting of 591 men. An undetermined number of men have been recognized on the composite roster of PQOG.

2. This is a reconsideration of A, B, C, and D Co’s, 38th Regt 35th Div, PQOG, previously investigated by Lt Victor Smolen and not favorably considered.

3. A field investigation was not deemed necessary as the unit falls under the provisionsf the letter of Col Vicente S. Umali, the Overall Commander of PQOG, withdrawing all non-casualty claims from any further consideration of recognition.

4. Revision of recognition dates is being considered with the overall command of PQOG.

5. The casualy report was submitted by the overall command of PQOG.

6. This report constitutes the final action by this headquarters on A, B, C, and D Co’s 38th Regt, 35th Div, PQOG.

Charles L. Homewood
1st Lt, Cav

1. Concur: Capt E. R. Curtis, Chief, Reconsideration Sec
2. Concur: Capt R. C. Wilson, Chief, Casualty Sec
3. Concur: Major D. C. Murray, Chief, Revision Sec
4. Concur: Major C. H. Wentzell, Chief, Unit Inv Sec
5. Concur: Lt Col S. J. Palos, Chief, Unit Branch
Rewritten by Mr. Herbert H. Quell
Notes and references:
1 “Co’s A, B, C, D, 38th Inf Regt, 35th Div, I Corps, PQOG,” File No. 271-14, online at the United States National Archives.
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