The Legislative Districts of the Province of Batangas - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore The Legislative Districts of the Province of Batangas - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

The Legislative Districts of the Province of Batangas

The passing of Republic Act No. 10673 in 2015 meant that the number of the Province of Batangas’ Legislative Districts1 was increased from four to six. Essentially, the Act mandated that citizens of Lipa City and Batangas could elect their own representatives to the lower house or the House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress. Prior to the passing of the Act, Batangas City was part of District II while Lipa City was part of District IV.

Concurrently, Batangas City is considered as the province’s Fifth District while the City of Lipa is now Batangas’ Sixth District.

The San Sebastian Cathedral of District VI's Lipa City.  Image source:  Google Earth Street View.
The San Sebastian Cathedral of District VI's Lipa City.  Image source:  Google Earth Street View.

Below is how the Province of Batangas is divided into legislative districts:

District I

District II

District III

District IV

District V

District VI

Notes & References:
1Legislative districts of Batangas,” Wikipedia.
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